Command Line / Terminal Emulator

This part of the GUI can have four modes: Command Line, Terminal Emulator, show both and show none. You can choose your mode of operation either on start-up with the Konfigurator Startup page, or for the current session with the Settings menu .

Command Line

Figure 3.4. Command Line

Command line

The traditional command line mode offers a single line of input to enter commands, it also features three buttons:

  • command history (down arrow) to quick open previous used commands

  • Useraction expander (green plus button) to add easy Useraction placeholders

  • run in terminal mode (console icon) button with the next options:

    • Start and Forget

    • Display Separated Standard and Error Output

    • Display Mixed Standard and Error Output

    • Start in New Terminal

    • Send to Embedded Terminal Emulator

When you start typing your commands, the command line auto-completion feature will make its offers according to what you choose in the System Settings. If you want to change the way auto-complete behaves in the current Krusader session, right click on the command line and change it. To the left of the input line you can find the local path that the active panel is currently pointing to. This path is where your command will be executed. Typing cd <folder> in the command line will also cause the active panel to point to this folder. Click here to view the command line keybindings.

Terminal Emulator

Figure 3.5. Terminal Emulator

Terminal emulator

The terminal emulator mode is in fact a small console and acts like one. You can change the active folder in the terminal by using the cd command. The terminal emulator will follow the active panel folder. You can drag a file from the List Panel and name of file will pasted into Terminal Emulator. If you drag multiple files, the names will pasted into Terminal Emulator. A full-screen terminal emulator can be used when configured or Ctrl+Shift+F toggles between normal and full screen mode. If the command line is hidden, press Ctrl+Arrow down to focus the terminal emulator. Ctrl+Arrow up brings you back down. Ctrl+Enter and Ctrl+Shift+Enter paste the filename. You can close the emulator by typing exit .

Click here to view the Terminal emulator keybindings.