Chapter 5. Advanced Usage

Command Line Options

When running Tellico from the command line, there are several options for opening data files. They may be seen by running tellico --help. Diagnostic logging can also be enabled, which will make a menu item to show the diagnostic log. The --logfile option redirects the log to a file.

Usage: tellico [options] [filename]

Tellico - collection management software, free and simple

  --nofile                  Do not reopen the last open file
  --bibtex                  Import <filename> as a bibtex file
  --mods                    Import <filename> as a MODS file
  --ris                     Import <filename> as a RIS file
  --pdf                     Import <filename> as a PDF file
  --log                     Log diagnostic output
  --logfile <logfile>       Write log output to <filename>

  [filename]                File to open