Contacting the Developers / Reporting Bugs

Contacting the developers

For general questions or comments about KMyMoney, there is a users' mailing list . (more details here.) In addition, you can contact the developers through their mailing list . (more details here.) Since replies are often sent only to the list, you may not get any response unless you subscribe to one of the lists before sending to it.

We're happy to hear about your experiences using KMyMoney.

Reporting bugs

To report a bug please use the interface provided by KMyMoney by selecting HelpReport Bug menu item and filling in the required information. However, in case you have any difficulties with that method, you can report a bug (or file a wish-list or enhancement request) directly at the KDE bug reporting web site. Reports should be filed against the product kmymoney.

In any case, before reporting a bug, please read through the guidelines below. Following them will make it more likely that the developers will be able to quickly identify the problem without having to ask you for more information.

Writing High Quality Bug Reports

We encourage users to take extra time to write high-quality bug reports when submitting them. This reduces wasted effort on all sides, as the reporter and the developer who will fix it trade emails until this information is really in place.

Eli Goldberg wrote the canonical Bug-Writing Guideline, available at Generally, you'll be well-served by following these guidelines:

Include your system information.  The HelpReport Bug menu item will fill this in automatically, but if you would prefer not to use this interface, there are several items you need to include in the report. We will need to know what operating system you are using (Linux®, Mac® OS, or Windows®), the version of KDE, and the version of KMyMoney you're running, and either the version of Mac® OS or Windows® or the name and version of your Linux® distribution and the version of your kernel.

Include a backtrace for crashes.  The backtrace is often the single most useful piece of information in solving crashes.

Try to reproduce it.  Let us know if you were able to do so. It's useful to know whether the bug only happened once and you couldn't get it to happen again or happens every time or happens sometimes but not others.

Include specific steps.  This is a bad bug report: I entered a transaction, and KMyMoney crashed. A much better bug report is: Using the transaction form, I entered a new transaction in my Credit Card account. I selected the Transfer tab, entered in an amount, then changed to the Deposit tab, and back to the Transfer tab. When I returned to the Transfer tab, KMyMoney crashed. This bug is fully reproducible for me.

Tell us what you expected to happen.  In some cases, this is obvious, but in more subtle bugs, sometimes you'll see a bug report where it is not obvious what the reporter expected to happen. Always tell us what you think should have happened.

Consider running with debugging enabled.  By compiling a version configured with --enable-debug=full you can ensure that the best possible backtraces are generated. If you encounter a crash, run KMyMoney again from within gdb, and reproduce the crash. When it crashes, type bt to generate a backtrace.

Running this way is a bit more difficult, so we don't expect all users to do this. However, if you're interested in helping KMyMoney become as stable as possible, this is the best way to do it short of finding the bug in the code and sending in a patch.