Chapter 8. Short Tutorials

Building a sine graph with LabPlot

In this chapter you will find explanations on how to build a simple plot for a curve in the Cartesian coordinates from a mathematical equation.

LabPlot window after the first start
  1. Click on the New button or press Ctrl+N on the keyboard.

    New LabPlot project
  2. Click on the Project item on the Project Explorer panel with the right mouse button and choose Add newWorksheet or press Alt+X on the keyboard.

    Adding new LabPlot worksheet
  3. Click on the Worksheet item on the Project Explorer panel with the right mouse button and choose Add newxy-plottwo axes, centered.

    Adding axes to the plot
  4. Click on the xy-plot item on the Project Explorer panel with the right mouse button and choose Add newxy-curve from a mathematical equation.

    Adding new curve
  5. Use the xy-equation-curve properties pane on the right to enter sin(x) into the y=f(x) field (for the list of available functions please see Chapter 10, Parser functions), -6 into the x, min field, 6 into the x, max field and click on the Recalculate button to see the result.

    The default curve plot


    LabPlot highlights unknown syntax in the y=f(x) field. This is useful to control the correctness of the input.


    The list of the known functions can be found in corresponding section of this manual.

  6. Switch to the Line tab on the xy-equation-curve properties pane and choose cubic spline (natural) from the Type drop down box.

    Adding the line type
  7. Switch to the Symbol tab on the xy-equation-curve properties pane and choose none from the Style drop down list.

    Removing symbols from the plot
  8. Click on the xy-plot item on the Project Explorer panel with the right mouse button and choose Add newlegend. Switch to the Title tab on the Cartesian plot legend properties pane and enter Graph of sine into the Text field.

    Changing the legend title
  9. Choose FileExport from the main menu. Select the place and the format to save the plot.

    Exporting the plot