View Menu

The action in this submenu usually affects the current Krusader session. If you want to make permanent changes use Konfigurator Startup page.

ViewZoom In

Increase the view scale.

ViewZoom Out

Decrease the view scale.

ViewDefault Zoom

Reset the view scale.

ViewDetailed View (Alt+Shift+D)

Shows the file names, file size, creation date and time and their attributes.

ViewBrief View (Alt+Shift+B)

Shows only the file names.

ViewShow Hidden Files (Alt+.)

Toggles the option to display the hidden files in the Krusader panels.

ViewAll Files (Shift+F10)

Turns off all filters and display all files.

ViewCustom (Shift+F12)

Allows you to install a custom filter on the Krusader panel. Only files that match the filter pattern(s) and folders will be displayed. Do not forget to deactivate the custom filter after use, or some files may not be visible.

ViewShow Previews

If checked, show the previews for all files and folders on the active panel.

ViewSelect Remote Charset

Selects the remote charset for Remote Connections.

ViewReload (Ctrl+R)

Refreshes the contents of the active panel.

ViewSave settings as default

Allows you to save the view settings of the current tab for new instances of this view type.

ViewApply settings to other tabs

Allows you to apply the view settings of the current tab to the other tabs.