Konsole Dialogs

Configure Tab Settings Dialog

The name format, the remote tab title format, and the color of the current tab can be changed from this dialog. The dialog can be displayed via the menu, the shortcut Ctrl+Alt+S or by double-clicking on the tab in the tab bar. These changes are temporary and can be made permanent by editing the current profile.

Konsole will substitute these tokens for local tabs:

  • %n : program name

  • %d : current directory (short)

  • %D : current directory (long)

  • %h : local host (short)

  • %u : user name

  • %B : user's Bourne prompt sigil ($ = normal user, # = superuser)

  • %w : window title set by shell

  • %# : session number

Konsole will substitute these tokens for remote tabs:

  • %c : current program

  • %h : remote host (short)

  • %H : remote host (long)

  • %u : user name

  • %U : user name@ (if given)

  • %w : window title set by shell

  • %# : session number


  • %d : %n with /usr/src as current directory and running bash will display src : bash

  • %D : %n with /usr/src as current directory and running top will display /usr/src : top

  • %w (%#) with ~ as current directory and running vim in the first tab will display [No Name] (~) - VIM(1)

Copy Input Dialog

The text entered in one tab can simultaneously be sent to other tabs. This dialog allows you to select which tabs will get that input. The current tab will be greyed out.

Adjust Scrollback Dialog

The scrollback options for the history size can be changed in this dialog. Any changes are for the current tab only and will not be saved to the profile.