The Export CSV File Function

When you invoke the FileExport  >Export CSV file ... function, a dialog box appears.

A screenshot of KAddressBook's “Export CSV File” dialog.

KAddressBook's Export CSV File dialog after choosing the FileExport   >Export CSV file ... function.


You may select all your contact data, or just a portion of it. When you press the  ✔ OK  button, you will be allowed to choose the name of the generated file, and the directory in which it will be written. The output file will contain the following forty-seven (47) output fields, in this order, left to right. This list of field names is included as the first record in the file.

Formatted Name | Honorific Prefixes | Given Name | Additional Names | Family Name | Honorific Suffixes | Nick Name | Birthday | Anniversary | EMail (preferred) | EMail (2) | EMail (3) | EMail (4) | Home Address Street | Home Address Post Office Box | Home Address City | Home Address State | Home Address Zip Code | Home Address Country | Home Address Label | Business Address Street | Business Address Post Office Box | Business Address City | Business Address State | Business Address Zip Code | Business Address Country | Business Address Label | Home Phone | Business Phone | Mobile Phone | Home Fax | Business Fax | Car Phone | ISDN | Pager | Mail Client | Title | Role | Organization | Note | Homepage | Blog Feed | Profession | Office | Manager | Assistant | Spouse

All fields are formatted as character class data. Dates (Birthday and Anniversary, if present) are coded as yyyy-mm-dd (Year, Month, Day).

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