The Format Menu

FormatCell Format... (Alt+Ctrl+F)

Format selected cell(s). See the Spreadsheet Formatting section for more details.

FormatPage Layout...

Format printed page layout.

FormatPrint Range

Define or reset the print range.

FormatAdjust Row & Column

Set row and column sizes to show selected cell(s) properly.


Resize, equalize, hide or show row(s).


Resize, equalize, hide or show column(s).


Remove, hide, show worksheet or configure advanced sheet properties.

FormatStyle Manager...

Create, Modify or delete cell format styles.


Apply a style to selected cell(s). To manage styles use FormatStyle Manager...

FormatCreate Style Form Cell...

Create a new style from the format of the selected cell. To manage styles use FormatStyle Manager...

FormatIncrease Indent

Move text in selected cell(s) to the right.

FormatDecrease Indent

Move text in selected cell(s) to the left.

FormatIncrease Precision

Increase displayed precision of numbers in selected cell(s).

FormatDecrease Precision

Decrease displayed precision of numbers in selected cell(s).

FormatChange Angle...

Change angle of displayed text in selected cell(s).