The File Menu

FileOpen... (Ctrl+O)

Opens a folder. All files matching the selected file name filter will be displayed in the file listbox and the chosen file is selected.

FileOpen Recent

Opens a recently opened folder.

FileOpen Folder... (Ctrl+D)

Opens a folder. All files matching the selected file name filter will be displayed in the file listbox.

FileReload (F5)

Reload folder. Modified files have to be saved before. Expanded subfolders will be collapsed.

FileSave (Ctrl+S)

Saves all changed files in the folder. The changed files are marked with a disk symbol in the file listbox. If any file names have been changed, those files will be renamed.


Reverts the changes of one or multiple files. If no files are selected in the file listbox, the changes of all files will be reverted, else only the changes of the selected files are reverted.


The Import dialog can be used to import data directly from a server, from a MusicBrainz server, from Discogs, Amazon or other sources of album track lists in textual format.

Import from a server is possible using a dialog which appears when From Server: is selected. The artist and album name to search for can be entered in the two topmost fields, the albums which match the query will be displayed when Find is clicked and the results from are received. Importing the track data for an album is done by double-clicking the album in the list. The server to import from can be selected as well as the CGI path. The imported data is displayed in the preview table of the import dialog. When satisfied with the displayed tracks, they can be imported by terminating the import dialog with OK.

If you already have a search result open in the web browser, you can enter the URL into the first search field. The result will then appear in the album list and can be directly imported into Kid3.

A search on the Discogs server can be performed using Discogs. As in the dialog, you can enter artist and album and then choose from a list of releases. A Token can be entered to use the RESTful Discogs API instead of their web interface, which is often changed, thereby breaking the import parser. You have to register for an account on Discogs and then generate a token on their web site (Settings/Developers, Generate new token). Don't forget to Save Settings after entering the token in order to use it in subsequent requests too. If Standard Tags is marked, the standard information is imported, e.g. artist, album, and title. If Additional Tags is marked, more information is imported if available, e.g. performers, arrangers, or the publisher. If Cover Art is marked, cover art will be downloaded if available.

A search on Amazon can be performed using Amazon. As in the dialog, you can enter artist and album and then choose from a list of releases. If Additional Tags is marked, more information is imported if available, e.g. performers, arrangers, or the publisher. If Cover Art is marked, cover art will be downloaded if available.

You can search in the same way in the release database of MusicBrainz using From MusicBrainz Release. The workflow is the same as described for From

Import from a MusicBrainz server is possible using the dialog which appears when From MusicBrainz Fingerprint is selected. The Server can be selected as in the freedb import dialog. Below is a table displaying the imported track data. The right column shows the state of the MusicBrainz query, which starts with "Pending" when the dialog is opened. Then the fingerprint is looked up and if it does not yield a result, another lookup using the tags in the file is tried. Thus it can be helpful for a successful MusicBrainz query to store known information (e.g. artist and album) in the tags before the import. If a result was found, the search ends in the state "Recognized", otherwise nothing was found or multiple ambiguous results and one of them has to be selected by the user. OK and Apply use the imported data, Cancel closes the dialog. The closing can take a while since the whole MusicBrainz machinery has to be shut down.

For the import of textual data, From File/Clipboard opens a subdialog, where several preconfigured import formats are available. The first two, "CSV unquoted" and "CSV quoted" can be used to import data which was exported by the Export dialog. The CSV data can be edited with a spreadsheet, and shall be written using tabs as delimiters. Import should then be possible using "CSV quoted", which is more flexible than "CSV unquoted". However, its fields cannot contain any double quotes. If you only export from Kid3 and import later, "CSV unquoted" can be used as a simple format for this purpose. Note that there are also "Export CSV" and "Import CSV" commands in the context menu of the file list, which use scripts to export and import CSV data in a more complete, powerful and flexible way.

The next format, "freedb HTML text", can be used to copy information from an HTML page of Search an album in freedb and if the desired information is displayed in the web browser, copy the contents to the clipboard. Then click the From Clipboard button and the imported tracks will be displayed in the preview table at the top of the dialog. If you are satisfied with the imported data, terminate the dialog with OK, which will insert the data into the tags of the current folder. The destination (Tag 1, Tag 2 or Tag 1 and Tag 2) can be selected with a combo box. The files in the current folder should be in the correct track order to get their tags assigned. This is the case if they are numbered.

The next preconfigured import format, "freedb HTML source", can be used, if the data is available as an HTML document. Import is possible using the From File button, which opens a file selector, or copying its contents from an editor and then importing from clipboard. This format can be useful for offline import, although the HTML document could also be opened in a browser and then be imported in the first format via the clipboard.

More preconfigured formats, e.g. "Track Title Time", are available. An empty custom format can be created with Add to be set by the user. Two lines below the format name can be set with a regular expression to capture the fields from the import text. The first regular expression will be parsed once per document to gather per-album data such as artist, album, year and genre. The second line is tried to match from the start of the document to the end to get track data, usually number and title. The regular expressions include all the features offered by Qt™, which is most of the what Perl offers. Bracketing constructs "(..)" create capture buffers for the fields to import and are preceded by Kid3 specific codes to specify which field to capture. The codes are the same as used for the filename format, besides the codes listed below, any frame name is possible:

  • %s %{title} Title (Song)

  • %a %{artist} Artist

  • %l %{album} Album

  • %c %{comment} Comment

  • %y %{year} Year

  • %t %{track} Track

  • %g %{genre} Genre

  • %d %{duration} Duration

For example, a track regular expression (second line) to import from an .m3u playlist could be "%{track}(\d+)\s+%{title}(\S[^\r\n]*)\.mp3[\r\n]". All formats can be changed by editing the regular expressions and the name and then clicking Save Settings. They will be stored in the kid3rc file in the configuration folder. This file can be directly edited to have more import formats or it can be deleted to revert to the default formats. Formats can be deleted using Remove.

Accuracy shows an estimation of how good the imported information matches the given tracks. It uses track durations or file names to calculate the level of similarity in percent. Cover Art shows the URL of the album cover image which will be downloaded.

To check whether the imported tracks match the current set of files, the duration of the imported tracks can be compared with the duration of the files. This option can be enabled with the check box Check maximum allowable time difference (sec): and the maximum tolerated difference in time can be set in seconds. If a mismatch in a length is detected, the length is displayed with a red background in the preview table.

If the files are ordered differently than the imported tracks, their assigned tracks have to be changed. This task can be facilitated using the Match with option with the buttons Length, Track, and Title, which will reorder the tracks according to the corresponding field. To correct the assignments manually, a track can be dragged with the left mouse button and the Ctrl key hold down, and then dropped at the new location.

When the import dialog is opened, it contains the actual contents of the tags. The tag type (Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 1 and Tag 2) can be selected using the Destination combo box. The button on the right of this combo box can be used to revert the table to the current contents of the tags. The check boxes in the first table column can be used to select the tracks which are imported. This can be useful if a folder contains the tracks of both CDs of a double CD and only the tracks of the second CD have to be imported.

To identify the tracks which are imported, it is possible to display the file names or the full paths to the files using the context menu of the table header. The values in the import table can be edited. The revert-button to the right of the Destination combo box can be used to restore the contents of the tags, which can also be useful after changing the Destination.

Almost all dialogs feature a Save Settings button, which can be used to store the dialog specific settings and the window size persistently.

From Tags leads to a subdialog to set tag frames from the contents of other tag frames. This can be used to simply copy information between tags or extract a part from one frame and insert it in another.

As in the import from file/clipboard dialog, there are freely configurable formats to perform different operations. Already preconfigured are formats to copy the Album value to Album Artist, Composer or Conductor, and to extract the Track Number from Title fields which contain a number. There is also a format to extract a Subtitle from a Title field.

The following example explains how to add a custom format, which sets the information from the Subtitle field also in the Comment field. Create a new format using Add button and set a new name, e.g. "Subtitle to Comment". Then enter "%{subtitle}" in Source and "%{comment}(.*)" for Extraction and click Save Settings.

The expression in Source can contain format codes for arbitrary tag frames, multiple codes can be used to combine the contents from different frames. For each track, a text is generated from its tags using the Source format, and the regular expression from Extraction is applied to this text to set new values for the tags. Format codes are used before the capturing parentheses to specify the tag frame where the captured text shall be stored. It works in the same way as for the import from file/clipboard.

Import from Tags... is also directly available from the File menu. The difference between these two functions is that the import dialog subdialog operates on all files of the current folder whereas the menu function operates on the selected files (which can be in different folders). The menu function supports an additional code "%{__return}" to return the extracted value, which can be useful with the CLI and QML interfaces.

FileImport from

Import from a server using album search. This menu item opens the same import dialog as Import..., but opens directly the dialog.

FileImport from Discogs...

Import from the Discogs server. This menu item opens the same import dialog as Import..., but opens directly the From Discogs dialog.

FileImport from Amazon...

Import from Amazon. This menu item opens the same import dialog as Import..., but opens directly the From Amazon dialog.

FileImport from MusicBrainz Release...

Import from the MusicBrainz release database. This menu item opens the same import dialog as Import..., but opens directly the From MusicBrainz Release dialog.

FileImport from MusicBrainz Fingerprint...

Import from a MusicBrainz server. This menu item opens the same import dialog as Import..., but opens directly the From MusicBrainz Fingerprint dialog.

FileImport from Tags...

Like From Tags, but the import is applied to the selected files.

FileAutomatic Import...

Automatic Import allows one to import information for multiple albums from various web services. If folders are selected in the file list, track data for the selected folders will be imported. If no folder is selected, all folders in the file list will be imported.

The tag type (Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 1 and Tag 2) can be selected using the Destination combo box.

Profiles determine which servers will be contacted to fetch album information. Some profiles are predefined (All, MusicBrainz, Discogs, Cover Art), custom profiles can be added using the Add button at the right of the Profile combo box.

The table below shows the servers which will be used when importing album information using the selected profile. The import process for an album is finished if all required information has been found, so the order of the rows in the table is important. It can be changed using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Edit can be used to change an existing entry. The Server selection offers the same servers as can be used in the import functions. Standard Tags, Additional Tags, Cover Art determine the information which shall be fetched from the server. Finally, Accuracy is the minimum accuracy which must be achieved to accept the imported data. If the accuracy is insufficient, the next server in the list will be tried. The same dialog containing the server properties appears when Add is clicked to add a new server entry. Existing entries can be deleted using Remove.

To launch an automatic batch import with the selected profile, click Start. Details about the running import are displayed at the top of the dialog. The process can be aborted with the Abort button.

FileBrowse Cover Art...

The Browse Cover Art dialog helps to find album cover art. Artist/Album is filled from the tags if possible. Source offers a variety of websites with album cover art. The URL with artist and album as parameters can be found beneath the name. URL-encoded values for artist and album can be inserted using "%u{artist}" and "%u{album}", other values from the tags are possible too, as described in Configure Kid3, User Actions. More sources can be entered after the entry "Custom Source" by replacing "Custom Source" with the source's name, pressing Enter, then inserting the URL and finally pressing Save Settings. The resulting browser command is displayed at the top of the dialog and can be started by clicking Browse. The browser, which can be configured in the settings, is started with the selected source. A cover image can then be dragged from the browser into the Kid3 window and will be set in the picture frame of the selected files.

Because not all browsers support drag and drop of images and the pictures on websites often have a URL, in such cases Kid3 will receive the URL and not the picture. If the URL points to a picture, it will be downloaded. However, if the URL refers to some other web resource, it has to be translated to the corresponding picture. Such mappings are defined in the table URL extraction. The left column Match contains a regular expression which is compared with the URL. If it matches, the captured expressions in parentheses are inserted into the pattern of the right Picture URL column (at the positions marked with \1 etc.). The replaced regular expression contains the URL of the picture. By this means cover art can be imported from Amazon, Google Images, etc. using drag and drop. It is also possible to define your own mappings.


The Export Dialog is used to store data from the tags in a file or the clipboard. The editor at the top shows a preview of the data to export. If the export data contain tabulator characters, the export is displayed in a table. The data will be generated from the tags in the current folder according to the configured format.

The format settings are similar as in the Import dialog: The topmost field contains the title (e.g. "CSV unquoted"), followed by the header, which will be generated at the begin of the file. The track data follows; it is used for every track. Finally, the trailer can be used to generate some finishing text.

The format fields do not contain regular expressions as in the Import dialog, but only output format expressions with special %-expressions, which will be replaced by values from the tags. The whole thing works like the file name format, and the same codes are used plus some additional codes. Not only the codes listed below but all tag frame names can be used.

  • %s %{title} Title (Song)

  • %a %{artist} Artist

  • %l %{album} Album

  • %c %{comment} Comment

  • %y %{year} Year

  • %t %{track} Track (e.g. 01)

  • %t %{track.n} Track with field width n (e.g. 001 for %{track.3})

  • %T %{tracknumber} Track (without leading zeros, e.g. 1)

  • %g %{genre} Genre

  • %f %{file} File name

  • %p %{filepath} Path

  • %{modificationdate} Modification date

  • %{creationdate} Creation date

  • %u %{url} URL

  • %{dirname} Folder name

  • %d %{duration} Duration in minutes:seconds

  • %D %{seconds} Duration in seconds

  • %n %{tracks} Number of tracks of the album

  • %e %{extension} File extension

  • %O %{tag1} The format of tag 1 (ID3v1.1 or empty if not existing)

  • %o %{tag2} The format of tag 2 (ID3v2.3.0, ID3v2.4.0, ID3v2.2.0, ID3v2.2.1, Vorbis, APE, MP4, ASF, or empty if not existing)

  • %b %{bitrate} Bit rate in kbit/s

  • %v %{vbr} VBR or empty (only for ID3v2.3 with id3lib)

  • %r %{samplerate} Sample rate in Hz

  • %m %{mode} Channel mode (Stereo or Joint Stereo)

  • %h %{channels} Number of channels (1 or 2)

  • %k %{codec} Codec (e.g. MPEG 1 Layer 3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, MPC, APE, ASF, AIFF, WAV)

A few formats are predefined. "CSV unquoted" separates the fields by tabs. Data in this format can be imported again into Kid3 using the import format with the same name. "CSV quoted" additionally encloses the fields by double quotes, which eases the import into spreadsheet applications. However, the fields shall not contain any double quotes when this format is used. "Extended M3U" and "Extended PLS" generate playlists with extended attributes and absolute path names. "HTML" can be used to generate an HTML page with hyperlinks to the tracks. "Kover XML" creates a file which can be imported by the cover printing program Kover. "Technical Details" provides information about bit rate, sample rate, channels, etc. Finally, "Custom Format" is left empty for definition of a custom format. You can define more formats of your own by adding lines in the file kid3rc in the configuration folder. The other formats can be adapted to your needs.

The Source of the tags to generate the export data (Tag 1 or Tag 2) can be selected with a combo box. Pushing To File or To Clipboard stores the data in a file or on the clipboard. OK and Cancel close the dialog, whereas OK accepts the current dialog settings.

FileCreate Playlist...

Creates a playlist. The format and contents of the playlist can be set by various options.

The name of the playlist can be the Same as folder name or use a Format with values from the tags, e.g. "%{artist} - %{album}" to have the artist and album name in the playlist file name. The format codes are the same as for Export. The list of available formats can be edited in the Format section of the Files tab in the settings. Create new empty playlist will make an empty playlist with the given name. The extension depends on the playlist format.

The location of the generated playlist is determined by the selection of the Create in combo box.

Current folder

The playlist is created in the current folder and contains only files of the current folder. The current folder is the folder where the current file is located. If multiple files are selected, the current file is probably the last selected file.

Every folder

A playlist is created in every folder which contains listed files, and each playlist contains the files of that folder.

Top-level folder

Only one playlist is created in the top-level folder (i.e. the folder of the file list) and it contains the listed files of the top-level folder and all of its sub-folders.

The Format of the playlist can be M3U, PLS or XSPF.

If Include only the selected files is checked, only the selected files will be included in the playlist. If a folder is selected, all of its files are selected. If this check box is not activated, all audio files are included in the playlist.

Sort by file name selects the usual case where the files are ordered by file name. With Sort by tag field, it is possible to sort by a format string with values from tag fields. For instance, "%{track.3}" can be used to sort by track number (the ".3" is used to get three digits with leading zeros because strings are used for sorting). It is also possible to use multiple fields, e.g. "%{genre}%{year}" to sort using a string composed of genre and year.

The playlist entries will have relative or absolute file paths depending on whether Use relative path for files in playlist or Use full path for files in playlist is set.

When Write only list of files is set, the playlist will only contain the paths to the files. To generate an extended playlist with additional information, a format string can be set using the Write info using control.

FileQuit (Ctrl+Q)

Quits the application.