Capítulo 8. Preguntas y respuestas

8.1. ¿Cómo introduzco varios autores?
8.2. Can I modify what the printed page looks like?
8.3. ¿Cómo agrupo por una propieda distinta a las listadas en la barra de herramientas?
8.4. Why does all that gobbledy-gook show up when I run Tellico?
8.5. ¿Cómo cambio qué columnas se muestran?
8.6. How do I filter by something like the "Read" field?
8.7. How do I add new entry templates?
8.8. Compiling and installing went fine, but when Tellico starts up, the window is blank. What's wrong?
8.9. ¿Cómo exporto campos adicionales de bibtex?
8.10. What happened to Bookcase?
8.11. ¿El nombre Tellico tiene que ver con algo?
8.12. ¿Por qué se incluyen todos esos enlaces a en los resultados de búsqueda?
8.13. ¿Por qué no utiliza una base de datos real?


¿Cómo introduzco varios autores?

Los nombres de los autores deben separarse con punto y coma, como en Brian W. Kernighan; Dennis M. Ritchie. No incluya la palabra «y» o similares, aunque tenga 20 autores. Si ha marcado la casilla de auto-formato, se mostrará automáticamente el apellido

Otras propiedades que permiten múltiples valores, como «género» o «palabras clave», se rellenan de la misma forma, con los valores separados por punto y coma (;).


Can I modify what the printed page looks like?

Yes, most certainly. Find the file tellico-printing.xsl which should be in the $KDEDIR/share/apps/tellico/ directory. You can copy that to $KDEHOME/share/apps/tellico/ for personal modifications. You'll have to know XSLT, but modifying that file is how you change the printing layout. HTML is generated from the file, and the easiest way to change the appearance of the printout is to modify the CSS in the top portion.

Be aware that the tellico-printing.xsl references another file, tellico-common.xsl, that contains some common XSLT templates. If you copy tellico-printing.xsl to $KDEHOME, you must either modify the <xsl:import> element to point to the actual location of the tellico-common.xsl file or copy the common file as well.


¿Cómo agrupo por una propieda distinta a las listadas en la barra de herramientas?

Para permitir la agrupación por un campo que de manera predeterminada no lo permite, marque la casilla «Permitir agrupar» para ese campo en concreto en el diálogo «Campos de colección».


Why does all that gobbledy-gook show up when I run Tellico?

Stuff like:

GroupView::setGroupAttribute - author
QCheckBox::property( "title" ) failed: property invalid
or does not exist

is debug info. At compile time, this can be stopped by compiling with the --disable-debug flag. You might also want to use --enable-final, too, which takes a bit more memory when compiling, but is more efficient when running the application.

The last message is slightly different, it just means your Qt™ installation was compiled with some debugging information.

Or, if Tellico is already installed, run kdebugdialog and make sure that "0 (generic)" is unchecked. That turns off debug messages from all generic KDE apps es decir those not distributed officially by KDE.


¿Cómo cambio qué columnas se muestran?

Haga clic derecho en la barra de cabecera. Puede también arrastrar las cabeceras para reordenar las columnas, y hacer clic sobre ellas para ordenarlas según ese campo.


How do I filter by something like the "Read" field?

Internally, the checkbox fields in Tellico are saved as "true", so if you'd like to filter to show only the science fiction books which you've not read, for example, then you have two rules. Make sure the "Match all of the following" button is checked. Set the first rule to have "Genre" "contains" "Science Fiction" (no quotes) and the second rule to have "Read" "does not contain" "true" (no quotes).

Also, the quick filter in the toolbar will match any field, and if there is a non-word character, the text is interpreted as a regular expression. So if you quickly want to filter your books to show those by Weber or Bujold, then type "weber|bujold" (no quotes) in the toolbar.


How do I add new entry templates?

Entry templates should be saved in $KDEHOME/share/apps/tellico/entry-templates/ for access for a single user or $KDEDIR/share/apps/tellico/entry-templates/ for access by everyone. Templates in $KDEHOME will override any files by the same name in $KDEDIRS. The entry templates can be set on a per collection-type basis in the settings dialog.

Templates for the Report Dialog are saved in $KDEHOME/share/apps/tellico/report-templates/.


Compiling and installing went fine, but when Tellico starts up, the window is blank. What's wrong?

KDE programs look for data in the locations defined in the $KDEDIRS environmental variable. If you install in /usr/local for example, but $KDEDIRS is empty or just /usr, then Tellico won't be able to find the files it needs. This is particularly true for SuSE®, for which you should compile with --prefix=/opt/kde3. Alternatively, you could add a line to your .profile file to set $KDEDIRS. Check the documentation for your shell.


¿Cómo exporto campos adicionales de bibtex?

Tellico utiliza la propiedad bibtex para saber cómo exportar los campos bibtex. Si desea incluir campos adicionales para exportar, como un resumen, abra el Diálogo de campos de la colección y haga clic en el botón Establecer propiedades. Añada una propiedad bibtex con el valor resumen. Así, cuando exporte a bibtex o a bibtexml, esa propiedad será usada para el nombre del campo bibtex.


What happened to Bookcase?

Due to a trademark conflict, Bookcase was renamed Tellico in September 2004. Tellico 0.12 was then released, which was identical to Bookcase 0.11, except for the name change.


¿El nombre Tellico tiene que ver con algo?

I thought about several other names, a few of which were connected with book collections. However, Tellico can handle more than just books, and besides, this is a hobby, so I chose a neat-sounding (to me) name, one taken from a town close to where I grew up.


¿Por qué se incluyen todos esos enlaces a en los resultados de búsqueda?

Los términos de uso para acceder a los servicios web de requieren que todas las imágenes que se obtengan del servicio tengan un enlace a, además de un enlace adicional. La ID de asociado a es incluida necesariamente, de forma que los pagos por referencia son debidamente recogidos.


¿Por qué no utiliza una base de datos real?

Part of the reason I started Tellico was to learn C++. I didn't know SQL at the time, and at the moment, I only have a faint knowledge of how to use it. Simply put, Tellico didn't start out as a relational database, and that won't change until sometime in the future when I get around to learning SQL and have the time and motivation to change the data model. If that bothers you, well, don't use Tellico then.

Por supuesto, cualquiera puede realizar los cambios que desee sobre el código fuente.