On this page you can enable the use of profiles and manage your profiles.
Make Smb4K use profiles. This enables you to define different bookmarks and custom settings for each profile. This is especially useful if you are using a laptop in different network neighborhoods, e.g. at home and at work. When enabling this setting the first time, the first entry in the profiles list will be the active profile.
Default: not selected
Use the profile migration assistant when profiles are removed or the use of profiles is enabled or disabled. The profile migration assistant allows you to migrate all settings that were saved for a certain profile to a different one.
Default: not selected
Here, you can manage your profiles. By default, there are two pre-defined ones (Home and Work), but you can add your own ones. When you enabled the use of profiles the first time, the first entry in the list will be the active profile.
When you rename a profile, the settings are migrated automatically (without showing the migration assistant). If you enabled the use of the migration assistant, it is shown when you remove a profile giving you the opportunity to migrate the stored settings to another profile. If the use of the migration assistant is disabled, the profile and all of its settings are removed.