'Fill-in-the-blank' is a powerful way to practice in KWordQuiz. It is a special kind of question and answer quiz that needs to be described in more detail. In order to use this feature you must turn it on in the configuration dialog.
Consider the following table. It could be a vocabulary in KWordQuiz:
English | German | |
1 | We own a computer | Wir besitzen einen Computer |
2 | We own a computer | Wir [besitzen] einen Computer |
3 | We own a computer | Wir [besitzen einen] Computer |
4 | We own a computer | Wir [besitzen] einen [Computer] |
The important thing to note is the placement of the brackets. They tell KWordQuiz how the quiz should be performed.
In 1. there are no brackets. Assuming English is the question and German the answer you have to give the entire expression 'Wir besitzen einen Computer' for a correct answer.
In 2. KWordQuiz would display the question but also 'Wir ........ einen Computer'. For a correct answer it is sufficient to write 'besitzen'.
3. shows that a blank can consist of more than one word. The correct answer is 'besitzen einen'.
In 4. there are two separate blanks. To specify that in the answer you have to write 'besitzen; Computer', i.e. separate the blanks with a semicolon in order to get a correct answer.
Marked blanks are only of relevance if they appear in the answer. Otherwise the brackets are ignored. Furthermore, brackets have no effect in multiple choice quizzes. To simplify the creation of 'Fill-in-the-blank' vocabularies there are menu commands to mark and unmark blanks. Of course you can also just type the brackets. KWordQuiz checks the syntax. If the text appears in red there is something wrong with the brackets and a quiz cannot be started.
The 'Fill-in-the-blank' features can be turned on and off in the Configuration dialog. Turning them off will make it possible to use fonts that map other characters to the positions of the brackets. It will also speed up performance slightly.