Semantic Shell Integration

A shell program running in Konsole may emit escape sequences that partition the text displayed into three types: shell prompt, user input and command output. Using this semantic information enables various enhancements in Konsole.

  • Ctrl+Shift+PgUp and Ctrl+Shift+PgDown scroll up/down to previous/next command prompt.

  • Visual hints:

    • A line is displayed above each prompt, prompt colors are less intense, and output colors are more intense.

    • A red bar is displayed to the left of input and output lines of commands that resulted in error

    • A red background for input and output lines of commands that resulted in error

    • A gray bar is displayed to the left of the input and output lines of every other command.

    • A gray background for the input and output lines of every other command.

    Each of those may be configured to never show, always show, or only when URL hints are shown. The configuration is in the Semantic Integration tab of the General page of the profile configuration window.

  • Context menu options Copy user input Copy command output Copy except prompt may be used to filter selection when it is copied to the clipboard.

  • When selection is empty, copy to clipboard action copies the current input line if it is not empty, or the last output if there is no current input.

  • Pressing Up/Down arrow when editing a long input, will instead place the cursor one line up/down by sending the appropriate number of Left/Right key events to the shell. Configurable in the profile settings.

  • Clicking the mouse on text input will place the cursor in the clicked location. Configurable in the profile settings.

Semantic shell integration needs to be setup in the shell. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+] will paste the necessary commands needed in bash. For other shells, such as fish, zsh, python, etc. consult the relevant program's documentation.