- → (Ctrl+Z)
Undo the last editing command (typing, copying, cutting etc.)
This may undo several editing commands of the same type, like typing in characters.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+Z)
This will reverse the most recent change (if any) made using Undo.
- → (Ctrl+X)
This command deletes the current selection and places it on the clipboard. The clipboard works invisibly and provides a way to transfer data between applications.
- → (Ctrl+C)
This copies the currently selected text to the clipboard so that it may be pasted elsewhere. The clipboard works invisibly and provides a way to transfer data between applications.
- → (Ctrl+V)
This will insert the first item in the clipboard at the cursor position. The clipboard works invisibly and provides a way to transfer data between applications.
If Overwrite Selection is enabled, the pasted text will overwrite the selection, if any.
- → (Ctrl+Shift+Ins)
This will paste the mouse selection contents that were chosen previously. Mark some text with the mouse pointer to paste it in the currently open file using this menu item.
- →
This will swap the selected text with the clipboard contents.
- →
This submenu will display the beginning of portions of text recently copied to the clipboard. Select an item from this menu to paste it in the currently open file.
- →
Copy the selection as HTML, formatted using the current syntax highlighting and color scheme settings.
- →
Switch between a normal and a vi-like, modal editing mode. The vi input mode supports the most used commands and motions from vim's normal and visual mode and has an optional vi mode statusbar. This status bar shows commands while they are being entered, output from commands and the current mode. The behavior of this mode can be configured in the Vi Input Mode tab of the Editing page in KatePart's settings dialog.
- → (Ins)
Toggles the Insert/Overwrite modes. When the mode is INS, you insert characters where the cursor is. When the mode is OVR, writing characters will replace the current characters if your cursor is positioned before any character. The status bar shows the current state of the Overwrite Mode, either INS or OVR.
- → (Ctrl+F)
This opens the incremental search bar at the bottom of the editor window. On the left side of the bar is a button with an icon to close the bar, followed by a small text box for entering the search pattern.
When you start entering characters of your search pattern, the search starts immediately. If there is a match in the text this is highlighted and the background color of the entry field changes to light green. If the search pattern does not match any string in the text, this is indicated by a light red background color of the entry field.
Use the
button to jump to the next or previous match in the document.
Matches in the document are highlighted even when you close the search bar. To clear this highlighting, press the Esc key.
You can choose whether the search should be case sensitive. Selecting
will limit finds to entries that match the case (upper or lower) of each of the characters in the search pattern.
Click on the
button at the right side of the incremental search bar to switch to the power search and replace bar.
- → → (F3)
This repeats the last find operation, if any, without calling the incremental search bar, and searching forwards through the document starting from the cursor position.
- → → (Shift+F3)
This repeats the last find operation, if any, without calling the incremental search bar, and searching backwards instead of forwards through the document.
- → → (Ctrl+H)
Finds next occurrence of selected text.
- → → (Ctrl+Shift+H)
Finds previous occurrence of selected text.
- → (Ctrl+R)
This command opens the power search and replace bar. On the upper left side of the bar is a button with an icon to close the bar, followed by a small text box for entering the search pattern.
You can control the search mode by selecting Plain text, Whole words, Escape sequences or Regular expression from the drop down box.
If Escape sequences or Regular expression are selected, the menuitem at the bottom of the context menu of the text boxes will be enabled and allows you to add escape sequences or regular expression items to the search or replace pattern from predefined lists.
Use the
button to jump to the next or previous match in the document.
Enter the text to replace with in the text box labeled Replace and click the button to replace only the highlighted text or the button to replace the search text in the whole document.
You can modify the search and replace behavior by selecting different options at the bottom of the bar. Selecting
will limit finds to entries that match the case (upper or lower) of each of the characters in the search pattern.
will search and replace within the current selection only. The Find All button highlights all matches in the document and shows the number of found matches in a small popup.
Click on the
button at the right side of the power search and replace bar to switch to the incremental search bar.
- → → (Ctrl+6)
Move the cursor to the associated opening or closing bracket.