Backtrace Browser Plugin

Using the Backtrace Browser Plugin

This plugin is meant for developers and probably of little use for users. It shows a backtrace delivered by gdb in a listview in a Kate toolview. Clicking on an item opens the selected file and jumps to the correct line number. It works for backtraces generated on your own machine, but it will also work for backtraces from other people, i.e. with /home/dummy/qt-copy/…/qwidget.cpp will still be found on other machines. For that to work, you have to index the directories where the source code is located.

Sometimes there are several files with the same name, e.g.


To pick the right choice, the plugin picks the last two parts of the URL, in this case this would be


And then usually the plugin finds the correct one.

Indexing master and a branches of course will lead to a clash.


On the configuration page add the directories containing the source code.

Configure Paths in Backtrace browser tool view

Clicking OK will start indexing. When indexing is finished, open the toolview Backtrace Browser.

Now you can load a backtrace from the clipboard (e.g., when you clicked Copy to Clipboard in DrKonqi) or from a file.