Chapter 3. Integration With Other KDE Programs

Integration Overview -- KMail

Because KAddressBook -- an essential piece of PIM, KDE's suite of Personal Information Management programs -- is the central repository for information about all your contacts, it has been integrated into  KMail and also into KOrganizer. Here is a quick look at the interface between KAddressBook and those two programs.

Starting KAddressBook from KMail's Tools Menu

A screenshot of KMail's Tools → Address Book option.

Launching KAddressBook from KMail's ToolsA screenshot of KMail's Tools → Address Book option.Address Book menu choice.


This interface is the epitome of simplicity. Need to consult or update the entry for one of your contacts while reading or composing an email message with KMail? Left click ToolsAddress Book, and the KAddressBook application will be launched automatically, allowing quick access to the contact data you want to view or modify.


Querying KAddressBook from KMail's Message Composition Window

A screenshot of auto completion from inside KMail's message composition window.

Using KAddressBook's auto completion feature from inside KMail's message composition window.


When you are composing a new email message, KMail helps you find the recipient's complete email address by presenting a list of probable matches drawn from the contents of KAddressBook and from your email archives, as illustrated above. Just left click an item in the list to use that email address.


KMail's Recipient Selection Dialog

A screenshot of the recipient selection dialog inside KMail's message composition window.

Selecting multiple addressees with the recipient selection dialog inside  KMail's message composition window.


When you are addressing a new email message to multiple recipients, KMail provides a convenient method of choosing multiple addressees from the contacts you have saved with KAddressBook. Simply left click the  Select ...  button to open a Drop Down Box that lists all the contacts in the selected address books. Then scroll through the list (or use the handy Search: box), select the recipient you want, and left click   Add as To ,  Add as CC , or  Add as BCC  to add this person to the list of email recipients for your new message. Choose  Add as Reply-To  to insert this address into your message as a Reply To tag.


KMail's New Contact Creation Interface

A screenshot of the new contact creation interface inside KMail's message viewing window.

Invoking the new contact creation dialog from KMail's message viewing window.


When you receive an email message from someone who is not yet in your address book, KMail makes it very easy to create a new contact. Simply point your cursor at the email address you want to save, then click the right mouse button and a context menu will appear (see above). Select  + Add to Address Book  to add the selected email address to one of your address books. If you recognize this person as somebody who's already in your address book, and he is using a new email address, you may click on  + Add to Existing Contact  instead -- this enters a dialog that will direct  KAddressBook to the spot where you want to insert the new email address.


A screenshot of the ensuing new contact creation dialog.

Choosing the address book in which the new contact will be created.


KMail will ask you to choose the address book to which the new contact should be added.


Another screenshot of the ensuing new contact creation dialog.

Deciding if you would like to edit the newly created contact now, or later.


KMail will also ask you if you wish to edit the new contact  that has just been added. Say  ✔ Yes  if you want to add more data to the new entry right away.