for KMyMoney version 5.0
Revision 5.0.0 (2018-01-13)
Copyright © 2000-2018 The KMyMoney Development Team
KMyMoney, the personal finance manager by KDE.
This handbook describes KMyMoney version 5.0.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What's new in this release
- 3. Making the most of KMyMoney
- 4. Using KMyMoney for the first time
- Running KMyMoney for the first time
- The main window
- Creating a new file
- Creating accounts
- Schedules
- Categories
- Tags
- Payees
- Quicken Interchange Format (QIF) Import
- Searching for transactions
- Reconciliation
- Backing up
- Launching KMyMoney
- How to move KMyMoney to a new computer
- Contacting the Developers / Reporting Bugs
- 5. Institutions
- 6. Accounts
- 7. Categories
- 8. Tags
- 9. Payees
- 10. Schedules
- 11. Ledgers
- 12. Investments
- 13. Currencies
- 14. Reconciliation
- 15. Reports
- 16. Importing and Exporting
- 17. Loans
- 18. Budgets
- 19. Forecast
- 20. KMyMoney Settings
- 21. Search Transactions
- 22. File Formats
- 23. Database
- 24. Questions and Answers
- 25. Reference
- 26. Credits