The View Menu

VerVista Curta (F6)

Se esta opção for seleccionadas, só os nomes dos ficheiros e pastas serão mostrados.

Compare isto com a vista detalhada.

VerVista Detalhada (F7)

Se esta opção for seleccionada, os nomes, tamanhos, datas, permissões, donos e grupos dos ficheiros e pastas serão mostrados.

Compare isto com a vista abreviada.

ViewShow Hidden Files (F8)

This will toggle between revealing and hiding normally hidden files.

ViewSeparate Folders (F12)

Use this option to toggle between a 2 pane view of the file system (one pane for the folders and one pane for the files) and a one pane view of the file system with folders and files.

ViewLarge Icons

Display the image files in the folder with large icons. This item is only available in Short View mode.

ViewSmall Icons

Display the image files in the folder with small icons. This item is only available in Short View mode.

ViewThumbnail Previews

Display a preview of the images in the folder. This item is only available in Short View mode.

ViewZoom Out (Ctrl+-)

Reduces the image size by ten percent. Again this refers to the current size of the image.

ViewZoom In (Ctrl++)

Enlarges the image by ten percent. Notice that this refers to the current size of the picture.