A number of embeddable plugins is shipped with RKWard, and can be used in your own plugins. Detailed documentation is currently available only in these plugins source or help files. However, here is a list to give you a quick overview of what is available:
Table A.1. Standard embeddable plugins
ID | Pluginmap | Description | Example usage |
rkward::plot_options | embedded.pluginmap | Provides a wide range of options for plots. Most plotting plugins utilize this. | Plots->Barplot, most other plotting plugins |
rkward::color_chooser | embedded.pluginmap | Very simple plugin for specifying a color. Current implementation provides a list of color names. Future implementations may provide more elaborate color picking. | Plots->Histogram |
rkward::plot_stepfun_options | embedded.pluginmap | Step function plot options | Plots->ECDF plot |
rkward::histogram_options | embedded.pluginmap | Histogram (plot) options | Plots->Histogram |
rkward::barplot_embed | embedded.pluginmap | Barplot options | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::one_var_tabulation | embedded.pluginmap | Provides tabulation on a single variable. | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::limit_vector_length | embedded.pluginmap | Limit the length of a vector (to the n largest or smallest elements). | Plots->Barplot |
rkward::level_select | embedded.pluginmap | Provides a <valueselector> filled with the levels (or unique values) of a vector. | Data->Recode Categorical data |
rkward::multi_input | embedded.pluginmap | Combines spinbox, input and radio controls to provide input for character, numeric, logical data. | Data->Recode Categorical data |