This page configures the full path of the external applications. It is even possible to configure the full path of Krusader!
General tab
Here you can configure the full path of the following external applications:
application | configurable full path |
kdesu |
kget |
mailer |
diff utility |
krename |
krusader |
locate |
mount |
umount |
updatedb |
By default Kompare is used as external diff utility but you can also use your favorite diff utility e.g. xxdiff or KDiff3, just fill in the full path and enjoy.
Packers tab
In the Packers tab you will see a list of archive formats. Some are filled and some are empty. The ones that are available (filled) are supported by Krusader. For them, Krusader will handle the archives transparently and let you open them as folders (provided you have checked the Browse Archives As Folders item in the Archives section); otherwise, Krusader will attempt to invoke an application which opens archives of that type. If a certain archive item is empty, it means that Krusader could not find the appropriate executables in the configured path. The next archives are supported: ace, arj, bzip2, deb, gzip, iso, lha, lzma, rar, rpm, tar, xz, zip and 7z.
packer | configurable full path |
7z |
arj |
bzip2 |
cpio |
dpkg |
gzip |
lha |
lzma |
rar |
tar |
unace |
unarj |
unrar |
unzip |
zip |
xz |
Krusader may not be compatible with ACE despite our best efforts. Unace uses closed source and contains additional lines that make Unace get into infinite loop if the stdin is redirected to somewhere else. It works in the same manner as 'su', where you cannot enter the password only from the stdin. Krusader >= 1-51 emulates the command line environment to enable co-operation with Unace, but we have noticed that Unace always changes its output format from release to release, making co-operation almost impossible.
Checksum Utilities tab
Here you can configure the full path of the following external Checksum Utilities:
Checksum Utilities | configurable full path | supported checksums |
md5sum |
md5 |
sha1sum |
sha1 |
md5deep |
md5 |
sha1deep |
sha1 |
sha224sum |
sha224 |
sha256sum |
sha256 |
sha256deep |
sha256 |
sha384sum |
sha384 |
sha512sum |
sha512 |
tigerdeep |
tiger |
whirlpooldeep |
whirlpool |
cfv |
md5, sha1, sfv, crc |