This page handles more advanced issues, so you should double-check your actions here: modifying settings here makes Krusader a more powerful and dangerous tool.
The page is divided into three parts:
- General
Automount filesystems: this makes Krusader try to mount a file system before entering it. For example, if you click on
appears in/etc/fstab
as a mount point), Krusader will check if it is mounted. If not, it will try and mount it for you and then enter, so that you would see the contents of your CD-ROM. Note, however, that Krusader will NOT unmount when exiting/mnt/cdrom
.MountMan will not (un)mount the following mount points: If you have file systems that you do not want to accidentally unmount (or mount) then enter a list of mount points separated by commas (e.g.
/, /boot, /tmp
) and MountMan will not try to (un)mount them.
- Confirmations
By checking the options in this section, Krusader will ask for confirmation before doing a specific action; otherwise, the following actions will be done without warning:
Deleting non-empty folders
Deleting files
Copying files
Moving files
- Fine-Tuning
Icon cache size (KB): Krusader uses an icon cache, so it will not have to reload icons that have been used before. Of course, as the cache grows bigger, it can store more icons and further speed operations, but the memory footprint of Krusader will become bigger.
Arguments of updatedb: sets additional arguments for updatedb, please read the manpages for more information.