With you can quickly change to multiple folders; each panel has its own . The positions are saved when closing Krusader. To switch between , click them with the mouse. Squeezed have tooltips to display the full path. The following operations are available:
To open a new tab and keep the current tab opened: Right-click on a folder and select , or click on the rightmost button on the Tab bar.
To lock a tab, Right-click and select .
To pin a tab, Right-click and select . The pinned tab is a locked tab but with temporarily changeable address. It resets to pinned address on tab reactivation. To unpin the pinned tab right-click on it and choose the item.
To duplicate a tab: Right-click on the folder tab and select , or use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+N.
To close a tab (except for the last tab): Right-click on the tab and select , or use the mouse button, or use the Folder tab button, or use Ctrl+W.
To change tabs: Ctrl+, or Ctrl+..
To open the current folder in a new tab: use Ctrl+Alt+Enter.
To close all other tabs, Right-click and select .
To close duplicated tabs, Right-click and select .
To move tab on the other panel, drag it to the area of the other panel with the Ctrl+Shift+O.
mouse button (the mouse cursor will become an arrow pointing left or right) and drop it. You can also press