The Tools Menu

ToolsApply Filename Format

When Automatically apply format is switched off for the filename format in the configuration dialog, this menu item can be used to apply the configured format to the names of the selected files. This can also be used to check whether the file names conform with the configured format by applying the format to all saved files and then checking if any files were changed (and therefore marked with a disk symbol in the file listbox).

ToolsApply Tag Format

When Automatically apply format is switched off for the tag format in the configuration dialog, this menu item can be used to apply the configured format to the tags of the selected files. This can also be used to check whether the tags conform with the configured format by applying the format to all saved files and then checking if any files were changed (and therefore marked with a disk symbol in the file listbox).

ToolsApply Text Encoding

Sets the Text encoding selected in SettingsConfigure Kid3... Tags sectionTag 2 tab for all selected files. If UTF8 is selected, UTF16 will be used for ID3v2.3.0 tags because UTF8 is not supported for this format.

ToolsRename Folder...

This dialog offers the possibility to automatically rename the currently open folder according to the tags in the files. Several formats are preconfigured to include information about artist, album and year in the folder name. It is also possible to set a custom format and Edit the list of available formats. The following special codes are used to insert tag values into the folder name:

  • %s %{title} Title (Song)

  • %a %{artist} Artist

  • %l %{album} Album

  • %c %{comment} Comment

  • %y %{year} Year

  • %t %{track} Track (e.g. 01)

  • %t %{track.n} Track with field width n (e.g. 001 for %{track.3})

  • %T %{tracknumber} Track (without leading zeros, e.g. 1)

  • %g %{genre} Genre

  • %{dirname} Folder name (e.g. %{year" "}%{dirname} will prepend the year to the current folder name)

  • %{max-year} The maximum year value found for this folder, can also be used with other codes than "year"

  • %{min-year} The minimum year value found for this folder

  • %{unq-year} The unique year value found for this folder or empty if not unique

If a folder separator "/" is found in the format, multiple folders are created. If you want to create a new folder instead of renaming the current folder, in the Action combo box select Create Folder instead of Rename Folder. The Source of the tag information can be chosen between Tag 1 and Tag 2, Tag 1 and Tag 2. A preview for the rename operation performed on the first file can be seen in the From and To sections of the dialog.

Multiple folders can be renamed by selecting them.

ToolsNumber Tracks...

If the track numbers in the tags are not set or have the wrong values, this function can number the tracks automatically in ascending order. The start number can be set in the dialog. If only part of the tracks have to be numbered, they must be selected.

When Total number of tracks is checked, the number of tracks will also be set in the tags.

It is possible to number the tracks over multiple folders. The folders have to be expanded and selected.

If Reset counter for each folder is checked, track numbering is restarted with the given number for each folder when multiple folders are selected.

The number tracks dialog can also be used to format existing track numbers without changing the values when the check box left to Start number is deactivated. The total number of tracks will be added if the corresponding check box is active, which can be used to set the total for all selected tracks. If only formatting of the existing numbers is desired, this check box has to be deactivated too.


The filter can be used to display only those files which match certain criteria. This is helpful if you want to organize a large collection and only edit those files which are not in the desired scheme. The expression defining which files to display uses the same format codes which are used in the file name format, import and export.

  • %s %{title} Title (Song)

  • %a %{artist} Artist

  • %l %{album} Album

  • %c %{comment} Comment

  • %y %{year} Year

  • %t %{track} Track (e.g. 01)

  • %t %{track.n} Track with field width n (e.g. 001 for %{track.3})

  • %T %{tracknumber} Track (without leading zeros, e.g. 1)

  • %g %{genre} Genre

  • %f %{file} File name

  • %p %{filepath} Absolute path to file

  • %e %{extension} File extension

  • %O %{tag1} The format of tag 1 (ID3v1.1 or empty if not existing)

  • %o %{tag2} The format of tag 2 (ID3v2.3.0, ID3v2.4.0, ID3v2.2.0, ID3v2.2.1, Vorbis, APE, MP4, ASF, or empty if not existing)

  • %b %{bitrate} Bit rate in kbit/s

  • %v %{vbr} VBR or empty (only for ID3v2.3 with id3lib)

  • %r %{samplerate} Sample rate in Hz

  • %m %{mode} Channel mode (Stereo or Joint Stereo)

  • %h %{channels} Number of channels (1 or 2)

  • %k %{codec} Codec (e.g. MPEG 1 Layer 3, MP4, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, MPC, APE, ASF, AIFF, WAV)

  • %w %{marked} Marked, is 1 if the file is marked (e.g. because of truncation or standard violation), empty otherwise

  • %1a %1{artist}, ... Use the prefix 1 to get values of tag 1

  • %2a %2{artist}, ... Use the prefix 2 to get values of tag 2

These codes are replaced with the values for the file, and the resulting strings can be compared with the following operations:

  • s1 equals s2: true if s1 and s2 are equal.

  • s1 contains s2: true if s1 contains s2, i.e. s2 is a substring of s1.

  • s matches re: true if s matches the regular expression re.

True expressions are replaced by 1, false by 0. True values are represented by 1, true, on and yes, false values by 0, false, off and no. Boolean operations are not, and, or (in this order of precedence) and can be grouped by parentheses.

Some filter rules are predefined and can serve as examples for your own expressions:


When the file list is filtered - this is shown by "[filtered]" in the window title - and all files shall be displayed again, the filtering can be reverted using this filter. It uses an empty expression, but a true value would have the same effect.

Filename Tag Mismatch

not (%{filepath} contains "%{artist} - %{album}/%{track} %{title}")

Tests if the file path conforms with the file name format. This rule is automatically adapted if the file name format changes.

No Tag 1

%{tag1} equals ""

Displays only files which do not have a tag 1.

No Tag 2

%{tag2} equals ""

Displays only files which do not have a tag 2.

ID3v2.3.0 Tag

%{tag2} equals "ID3v2.3.0"

Displays only files which have an ID3v2.3.0 tag.

ID3v2.4.0 Tag

%{tag2} equals "ID3v2.4.0"

Displays only files which have an ID3v2.4.0 tag.

Tag 1 != Tag 2

not (%1{title} equals %2{title} and %1{album} equals %2{album} and %1{artist} equals %2{artist} and %1{comment} equals %2{comment} and %1{year} equals %2{year} and %1{track} equals %2{track} and %1{genre} equals %2{genre})

Displays files with differences between tag 1 and tag2.

Tag 1 == Tag 2

%1{title} equals %2{title} and %1{album} equals %2{album} and %1{artist} equals %2{artist} and %1{comment} equals %2{comment} and %1{year} equals %2{year} and %1{track} equals %2{track} and %1{genre} equals %2{genre}

Displays files with identical tag 1 and tag 2.


%{title} equals "" or %{artist} equals "" or %{album} equals "" or %{year} equals "" or %{tracknumber} equals "" or %{genre} equals ""

Displays files with empty values in the standard tags (title, artist, album, date, track number, genre).

No Picture

%{picture} equals ""

Displays only files which do not have a picture.


not (%{marked} equals "")

Displays only files which are marked because they violate the ID3 standard, are truncated or the picture is too large.

Custom Filter

To add your own filter, select this entry. For instance, if you want to have a filter for artists starting with "The", replace "Custom Filter" with the name "The Bands" and press Enter. Then insert the following expression into the line edit:

%{artist} matches "The.*"

Then click Save Settings. Click Apply to filter the files. All files processed are displayed in the text view, with a "+" for those who match the filter and a "-" for the others. When finished, only the files with an artist starting with "The" are displayed, and the window title is marked with "[filtered]".

ToolsConvert ID3v2.3 to ID3v2.4

If there are any ID3v2.3 tags in the selected files, they will be converted to ID3v2.4 tags. Frames which are not supported by TagLib will be discarded. Only files without unsaved changes will be converted.

ToolsConvert ID3v2.4 to ID3v2.3

If there are any ID3v2.4 tags in the selected files, they will be converted to ID3v2.3 tags. Only files without unsaved changes will be converted.


This opens a simple toolbar to play audio files. It contains buttons for the basic operations (Play/Pause, Stop playback, Previous Track, Next Track, Close), sliders for position and volume and a display of the current position. If multiple files are selected, the selected tracks are played, else all files will be played.

The time displayed can be toggled between elapsed and remaining time by clicking on the display.