In the menubar you find all the actions of KTurtle. They are in the following groups: , , , , , , and . This section describes them all.
- → (Ctrl+X)
Cuts the selected text from the editor to the clipboard.
- → (Ctrl+C)
Copies the selected text from the editor to the clipboard.
- → (Ctrl+V)
Pastes the text from the clipboard to the editor.
- → (Ctrl+A)
Selects all the text from the editor.
- →
Exports the current content of the Canvas as a raster image of the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) type.
- →
Exports the current content of the Canvas as a vector drawing of the SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) type.
- →
Prints the current content of the Canvas.
- →
Present a list of possible execution speeds, consisting of: , , , , and . When the execution speed is set to (default) we can barely keep up with what is happening. Sometimes this behavior is wanted, but sometimes we want to keep track of the execution. In the latter case you want to set the execution speed to , or . When one of the slow modes is selected the current position of the executor will be shown in the editor. will execute one command at a time.
- → (Ctrl+E)
Show or hide the Editor.
- → (Ctrl+I)
Show or hide the inspector.
- →
Show or hide the Errors tab with a list of errors resulting from running the code. If this option is enabled, click on Canvas to see the turtle again.
- → (F11)
With this action you can show the line numbers in the editor. This can be handy for finding errors.
KTurtle has a default KDE menu as described in the KDE Fundamentals with one additional entry:
- → (F2)
This is a very useful function: it provides help on the code where the cursor in the editor is at. So, e.g., you have used the
command in your code, and you want to read and to know what the handbook says on this command. You just move your cursor so it is in theprint
command and you press F2. The handbook will then show all info on theprint
command.This function can prove to be useful while learning TurtleScript.