For Translators

Besides the usual .po files mechanism for translating program labels and prompts, the sounds can be localized too.

To create a new KTuberling sound theme you have to:

  • Record the sounds in OGG Vorbis rc3 file format.

  • Create a yourLanguageTwoLetterCode.soundtheme file, it has to follow this schema:

    <language code="yourLanguageTwoLetterCode">
    <sound name="soundName" file="relativePath" />
    • yourLanguageTwoLetterCode is your language two letter code, for example gl for Galician.

    • For each sound a <sound> entry. soundName should match with the soundName specified in the playground theme (see the pics/themes.HOWTO from source code). relativePath should be the relative path you are going to install the file with this sound to, typically it will be someUniquePath/soundName.format (someUniquePath can be your language two letter code for example).

  • If you are adding the sound theme to KTuberling in your language folder:

    • Add the sound files and the .soundtheme files into the data/kdegames/ktuberling folder of your language translations.

    • On that very same dir you need a CMakeLists.txt file describing how to install the files, typically it will be.

      FILE( GLOB oggfiles *.ogg )
      INSTALL( FILES ${oggfiles} DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/ktuberling/sounds/yourLanguageTwoLetterCode )
      INSTALL( FILES yourLanguageTwoLetterCode.soundtheme DESTINATION ${KDE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/ktuberling/sounds/ )
  • If you want to install it for yourself:

    • Place yourLanguageTwoLetterCode.soundtheme file into the ktuberling/sounds folder in qtpaths --paths GenericDataLocation

    • Place your sound files into the ktuberling/sounds/someUniquePath folder in qtpaths --paths GenericDataLocation

Information on how to work with the translation mechanisms in KDE is available in The KDE Translation HOWTO.