Editing Basics

The basic building block of Kolf courses is the object. Holes are made up of a bunch of objects. Objects can be moved to any location, and the different kinds of objects each have different properties you can set.

To start editing a hole, toggle the HoleEdit menu item, or press the pencil icon on the toolbar. To leave editing mode, uncheck this menu item (or the toolbar icon).

Adding Objects

To add a new object to the course, choose its name in the list box labeled Add object:. The object will appear in the center of the course.


Bridges and signs will cover up new objects if they were already in the center of the hole.

Moving and Resizing Objects

Move your mouse cursor over the object that you want to move, and the mouse cursor will change to a hand cursor. Then click and drag the object to where you want it.

Puddles, sand, floaters, bridges, and signs can be resized by dragging the small circle at their lower-right corner.


Walls can be moved by clicking and dragging their endpoints, or you can move the whole wall by clicking and dragging on the middle part of the wall as normal.

Objects' Settings

Objects' properties can be changed in the area at the lower-right corner of the Kolf window. To edit an object, move your mouse cursor over it until the cursor changes to the hand cursor. Then click. Various controls for that object will appear in the lower-right corner of the Kolf window.

General Hole Settings

To edit general hole settings, click an area of the hole that is not covered by an object. When this is possible, the cursor will be the normal pointer cursor.

Course name:

This is the name that is shown in the New Game dialog and in the Course Information dialog.

Course author:

This is the author name that is shown in the Course Information dialog.


The par of the hole.


The maximum number of strokes a player can take on the hole.

Show border walls

Whether or not to show walls around the border of the hole.



Choose the type of the slope - Vertical, Horizontal, Diagonal, Opposite Diagonal, Circular. Diagonal and opposite diagonal slopes are triangles, while circular slopes are circles. Vertical and horizontal slopes are rectangles of course.

Reverse direction

Whether or not to reverse the slant of the slope. For example, consider an elliptical slope (a circular slope). When it is not reversed, it pushes balls outward like a mound. When it is reversed, it sucks balls inward like a hole.


Whether or not this can be moved by other objects, like floaters.


If a floater overlaps with this object at any point on this path, and the slope is large and thus won't move the floater, you must make the slope Unmovable, or Kolf will suffer poor performance!


Choose the grade (steepness) of the slope by moving the slider so the grade moves towards 0 or 8, where 8 is steepest and 0 is flat. Steeper slopes push the ball more.

Puddles and Sand

Puddles and Sand have the same configuration options as each other.

Enable show/hide

Checking this enables the flashing of this puddle or sand.

The more towards Fast the slider is, the faster the puddle or sand flashes.

Bridges, Windmills, Floaters, and Signs

Bridges, windmills, floaters, and signs all have similar settings for configuring on which sides there are border walls. To show the wall on a side, check the check box for that side.

There are also some more specific options for windmills, floaters, and signs.

Windmill on top

Whether or not the black windmill arm is on bottom or top - the default is that it is on the top. The two half-walls will always be with the arm. Note that you cannot enable a border wall on the side that the arm is.


The more towards Fast the slider is, the faster the black windmill arm moves.


The path the floater moves along is shown by the wall it's connected to.

Moving speed

The more towards Fast the slider is, the faster the floater moves. If the slider is all the way at the Slow end, the floater will stop.

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