So, collect up your papers and see the following sections for each item in KMyMoney.
These hold a value. Transactions are created against one or more accounts.
These are the accounts which hold your money and possessions that you wish to monitor. The following types are available:
- Checking
Standard bank checking account.
- Savings
Standard bank savings account.
- Cash
Money in your hand or wallet.
- Loan
Loans you make to someone else.
- Investment
Money you invest.
- Asset
Property, collections, etc.
These are completely optional and can be used to group accounts, and show a total value for all accounts in each group.
These represent non-managed income and expense accounts that do not have a value. The total value of transactions is shown against each category. A category or transfer account is required for each transaction.
Categories can be split into sub-categories, but this relationship is only for display purposes, as the sub-category totals are not included in the higher level category total.
Tags are very similar to Categories, as they are also non-managed accounts that do not have a value. However, unlike Categories, the use of Tags is completely optional.
These are optional for transactions. They are required for Scheduled transactions. A transaction history, with category, is shown against each payee.