"Unable to Fetch Item from Backend" When Entering IMAP Folder

There are at least two possible reasons for this. Here are some workarounds.

Workaround 1
  • edit ~/.local/share/akonadi/mysql.conf

  • Under the [mysql] section, add: binlog_format=row

If this does not work, try workaround 2 (below).

Workaround 2

This one is a matter of restarting so KMail can fetch those pesky items. Some possible steps include:

Use Alt+F2 (KRunner) or Konsole to type kquitapp kmail , then wait a minute, then akonadictl stop . Wait a minute, type akonadictl start , wait a minute, then type kmail . This stops KMail (closing all windows), stops the KMail backend, restarts the KMail backend, and restarts KMail. Having a working internet connection increases the chances of success. Sometimes, you can also just do kquitapp kmail , wait a minute, and then start KMail again. Often, a few restarts seem to be needed. It is unclear what causes this error, but on bad network connections it is more likely to happen.

See also the next topic to learn how akonadiconsole can be helpful.