Menu Items

GameNew (Ctrl+N)

Starts a new game, discarding any game that may currently be in progress.

GameShow High Scores (Ctrl+H)

Shows the high score dialog, containing past scores.

GameQuit (Ctrl+Q)

Quits Killbots.

MoveTeleport (R)

Teleports the hero to a random, empty cell anywhere within the playing field. See Special Actions.

MoveTeleport Safely (T)

Teleports the hero to a random, empty cell that is guaranteed to be safe from attack on that turn. See Special Actions.

MoveTeleport (Safely if Possible) (Space)

A convenience action. Teleports the hero safely if there is enough energy available, otherwise just teleports randomly.

MoveVaporizer (F)

Destroys all robots in cells adjacent to the hero. See Special Actions.

MoveWait Out Round (V)

Causes the hero to freeze in place until the end of the round. See Special Actions.

SettingsConfigure Killbots...

Displays the Killbots configuration dialog, where one can adjust gameplay parameters, choose a different set of game rules, or change the game theme.

Additionally Killbots has the common KDE Settings and Help menu items, for more information read the sections about the Settings Menu and Help Menu of the KDE Fundamentals.