Menu Bar and Configuration

The File Menu

FileUpdate (F5)

Immediately updates the display to reflect the current status

FileQuit (Ctrl+Q)

Closes KDiskFree

Additionally KDiskFree has some common KDE Settings and Help menu items, for more information read the sections about the Settings Menu and Help Menu of the KDE Fundamentals.

The Settings Dialog

Configure KDiskFree Screen

This dialog has two tabbed windows, General Settings and Mount Commands

General Settings

Click on the word visible or hidden to turn display of an data field on or off.

Change the update frequency by editing the value. The value in the box is the interval (in seconds) between updates of the KDiskFree display to reflect the current status.

The File Manager setting controls the command executed when the Open Filemanager popup menu item is selected.

There are also two check boxes. One controls if a file manager window will be automatically opened when a device is mounted. The other causes an alert window to pop up if a disk gets critically full.

Mount Commands

Allows the user to specify the mount and unmount commands for a given device, as well as the icon used to represent it. More information on these commands can be found on the man page for mount (type man mount at the command prompt).