KWrite Copyright 2001-2014 by the Kate team.
Based on the original KWrite, which was Copyright 2000 by Jochen Wilhelmy
(digisnap cs.tu-berlin.de)
Christoph Cullmann
(cullmann kde.org)
Michael Bartl
(michael.bartl1 chello.at)
(phlip_cpp my-deja.com)
Anders Lund
(anders alweb.dk)
Matt Newell
(newellm proaxis.com)
Joseph Wenninger
(kde jowenn.at)
Jochen Wilhelmy
(digisnap cs.tu-berlin.de)
Michael Koch
(koch kde.org)
Christian Gebauer
(gebauer kde.org)
Simon Hausmann
(hausmann kde.org)
Glen Parker
(glenebob nwlink.com)
Scott Manson
(sdmanson altel.net)
John Firebaugh
(jfirebaugh kde.org)
This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.