Working With Reports

There are a number of actions you can take on each report. You can access some of these by right-clicking the report name in the list of reports, and selecting the action from the context menu. These include:

  • Open: this runs the report and displays the results. This is the same action as if you double clicked on the report name.

  • Print: this is the same as running the report and then selecting the FilePrint menu item.

  • Configure: change the properties of this report. You can customize the report to your liking and save it for future use. For more details, see the next section.

  • New report: this creates a copy of the report and opens the configuration dialog.

Alternately, once you have run a report, there are buttons across the top of the view to invoke each of these actions:

  • Chart: This is only enabled if the report is capable of displaying a chart. Clicking on it toggles between the report and the chart.

  • Configure: as described above.

  • New: as described above.

  • Copy: this copies the report output to the clipboard to paste it in another application, like a spreadsheet, for further analysis or manipulation.

  • Export: the content of a report can be saved in HTML or CSV format.

  • Delete: customized reports can be deleted. The default reports that ship with KMyMoney cannot be deleted.

  • Close: close the current report.