Chapter 5. Questions and Answers

5.1. The background picture does not appear.
5.2. I do not hear any sounds.
5.3. I do not see some letters on the icons on the special Special Characters toolbar. I see rectangles instead or the icons are too small for some languages.
5.4. Why are there only twenty five languages?


The background picture does not appear.

If you build KLettres yourself, you need to configure with the --prefix option set to your KDE folder or to add this folder to your path.


I do not hear any sounds.

Make sure that Phonon is working on your system. To do so, open System Settings and in the Hardware category click on Multimedia.


I do not see some letters on the icons on the special Special Characters toolbar. I see rectangles instead or the icons are too small for some languages.

KLettres in Czech and Slovak needs Arial and if you do not have this font installed, please ask your distribution support how to install it.

If you have Windows® on your machine, you can use the TTF fonts from Windows® (Arial is in those) via Font Management in the Appearance category of the System Settings and add the Windows® Font folder.


Why are there only twenty five languages?

In order to add a new language, we need the sounds for the alphabet and some basic syllables. Someone speaking natively the new language must record these sounds in ogg format. For levels 3 and 4, the syllables must be chosen by a teacher or someone who knows how children learn: these must be the syllables you have to learn just after the alphabet in order to learn well the basics of this language. Please send a mail to if you are able to do that. See the KLettres website for detailed instructions on how to add a new language.