Table of Contents
- Kate Application Plugins
- External Tools
- Backtrace Browser Plugin
- Build Plugin
- Close Except/Like Plugin
- Color Picker Plugin
- Colored Brackets
- CTags Plugin
- Document Preview Plugin
- Document Switcher Plugin
- File System Browser
- The Documents List
- GDB Plugin
- Project Plugin
- LSP Client Plugin
- Search & Replace
- Kate Snippets
- Keyboard Macros Plugin
- SQL Plugin
- Symbol Viewer Plugin
- Terminal Tool View Plugin
- Text Filter Plugin
- XML Validation
- XML Completion
You can enable the individual plugins in the configuration dialog, which also provides access to additional configuration options for plugins that require it.
Kate plugins are additional functions for the Kate editor. They can add extra menus and shortcuts, and extend Kate's features. You can install as many or as few as you like, from within Kate. Open Kate's configuration dialog with → Select → to choose the wanted plugins.
The available application plugins are:
External Tools - Run external tools and applications
Backtrace Browser - C/C++ Backtrace navigation tool view
Build Plugin - Compile or Make and parse error messages
Close Except/Like - Close group of documents based on a common path or file extension
Color Picker - Show preview for known color names
Colored Brackets - Colored brackets for readability
CTags - Look up definitions/declarations with CTags
Document preview - Preview the document in the target format.
Document switcher - Quick document switching with Alt+Tab behavior
File System Browser - File system browser tool view
Document Tree View - Displays the open files in a file tree
GDB - Provides a simple GDB frontend
Project Plugin - Integration with Git and other source control systems
Replicode - Constructivist AI language and runtime
LSP Client - LSP client providing code navigation and code completion for many languages
Search & Replace - Search and replace in documents, folders, or projects
Snippets tool view - Tool view embedding the snippets management
Keyboard Macros - Record and play keyboard macros (i.e., keyboard action sequences)
SQL Plugin - Execute query on SQL databases
Symbol Viewer - Extract and show reference symbols from source
Terminal tool view - Have a terminal at the ready, using KDE's Konsole widget
Text Filter - Process text using terminal commands
XMLCompletetion - Lists XML elements, attributes, attribute values and entities allowed by DTD
XML Validation- Validates XML files using xmllint