
Here you can determine the look and feel of panel - which means finetuning the application to your needs. The page is divided into six tabs: General, View, Buttons, Selection Mode, Media Menu, and Layout:


Navigator bar

  • Edit Mode by default: If checked, show editable path in Navigator bar by default.

  • Show full path by default: If checked, always show full path in Navigator bar by default.


  • Autoselect Folders: When you select a group of files (either by using Select Group or by using Select All), Krusader checks this option. If checked, the folders matching the select criteria are also selected. Otherwise, only files are selected.

  • Rename selects extension: When you rename a file, the whole text is selected. If you want Total Commander© like renaming of just the name, without extension, deselect this item.

  • Unselect files before copy/move: If checked, Krusader remove the selection marks from files or folders before copying or moving them to the new location.

  • Filter dialog remembers settings: If checked, the filter dialog will be opened with the last filter settings that where applied to the panel.


  • Use fullpath tab names: If checked, display the full path in the Folder tabs; otherwise only the last part of the path is displayed.

  • Expanding tabs: If checked, Krusader expands the folder tabs to fill the whole bar.

  • Close tab by double click: If checked, Krusader allows closing the folder tabs by double-clicking on them.

  • Insert tabs after current: If checked, Krusader inserts new tabs to the right of the current one instead of placing them into the end of the Tab bar.

  • Duplicate active tab by click: Lets you select the active tab duplication mode (Disabled (no clicking association), Alt+Click or Ctrl+Click).

  • Tab Bar position: Lets you choose Tab bar position (Bottom or Top).

  • Show close tab buttons: If checked, Krusader displays close buttons on tabs.

  • Show new tab button: If checked, Krusader displays new tab button on the Tab bar.

  • Show Tab Bar on single tab: If checked, Krusader displays the Tab Bar even if there is only one tab on the panel.

  • New tab button duplicates a tab: If checked, new tab button duplicates a tab, otherwise it opens a tab in home folder.

Search bar

  • Start by typing: allows to select if quick search feature is used. When checked, you can open search bar and start searching by typing something while viewing folder contents in the active panel.

  • Case sensitive: When you use the search or filter feature: If checked (the UNIX® default), all files beginning with capital letters appear before files beginning with lower case letters; otherwise, all files beginning with a specified letter (capital or otherwise) will be displayed together.

  • Up/Down cancels search: Pressing Up or Down key cancels search bar.

  • Folder navigation with Right Arrow: If checked, pressing the Right key enters folder if no search text editing intention is captured.

  • Position: Lets you choose search and filter bar position (Bottom or Top).

  • Default mode: Lets you choose the search bar default mode between Search, Select and Filter. You can change the mode later using the search bar itself.

Bookmark Search

  • Always show search bar: If checked, make bookmark search bar always visible.

  • Search in special items: If checked, bookmark search is also applied to special items in bookmark menu like Trash, Popular URLs, Jump Back, etc.


  • Show size in bytes too: If checked, Krusader displays size in bytes on statusbar or totalsbar.

  • Show space information: If checked, Krusader displays free/total disk space in the Status-/Totalsbar.



  • View font: Allows you to change the font used inside the file lists.

  • Tooltip delay (msec): Allows you to configure the delay in milliseconds between the moment you have stopped mouse pointer above an item in a file list and the moment when the tooltip will be shown.

  • Use human readable file size: If checked, the file size appears in kB, Mb etc., and not in bytes (default).

  • Numeric permissions: Permission column shows octal numbers '0755' instead of 'rwxr-xr-x'.

  • Show hidden files: If checked, Krusader displays the dot-files which are otherwise hidden.

  • Load the user defined folder icons: If checked, Krusader loads the user defined folder icons.

  • Always show current item: If checked, Krusader shows current item border decoration in inactive panel.

  • Sort method

    • Krusader (default): the comparison used so far. Uses comparison using locale rules (even context rules).

    • Alphabetical: strings are compared character by character (no context rules from locale applied). Alphabet characters are compared using locale rules, special characters are compared by the character code.

    • Alphabetical and numbers: the same as above, but if the names contains numbers, the numbers are compared numerically instead of alphabetically.

    • Character code: comparison by character code (quick).

    • Character code and numbers: the same as above, but with numerical comparison of numbers.

  • Case sensitive sorting: If checked (the UNIX® default), all files beginning with capital letters appear before files beginning with non-capital letters; otherwise, all files beginning with a specified letter (capital or otherwise) appear together.

  • Always sort dirs by name: Sorts folders by name, regardless of the sort column.

  • Show folders first: If checked folders have precedence in folder lists.

  • Locale aware sorting: Sorts files and folders according to the current locale settings.

View modes

  • Default view mode: Allows you to change the default view mode. You can choose Detailed View or Brief View. On tabs of both view modes you can define the following options.

  • Default icon size: Allows you to change the size of the icons in the file lists. The available sizes are 12x12, 16x16, 22x22, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64, 128x128 and 256x256 pixels.

  • Use icons in the filenames: If checked, show the icons in file names and folders.

  • Show previews by default: If checked, show the previews of file contents.

  • To configure the columns use the right click menu in the panel when viewing files. The left and right panel use their own columns independently. The following columns are available:

    • Name: Shows the filename without the part after the last dot, this latter part is displayed in the Ext column. When the Ext column is made hidden, the complete filename is shown in the Name column like e.g. Konqueror does.

    • Ext: Shows the last part of the filename (the part after the last dot) in the Ext column, and not as a complete filename in the Name column like e.g. Konqueror does.

    • Type: Shows the MIME type field.

    • Size: Shows the size field.

    • Modified: Shows the modified date and time field.

    • Perms: Shows the full permissions, e.g., 'rwxr-xr-x' or as octal numbers '0755' instead with enable/disable Numeric Permissions in Panel View Tab.

    • rwx: Shows only the rights of the current user, e.g., -rw.

    • Owner: Shows the owner field.

    • Group: Shows the group field.


Uncheck the columns not in use. This allows more space for columns in use.


Toolbar buttons have icons: If checked, Krusader displays icons on toolbar buttons.

Show Media Button: If checked, Krusader displays media button.

Show Back Button: If checked, Krusader displays back button.

Show Forward Button: If checked, Krusader displays forward button.

Show History Button: If checked, Krusader displays history button.

Show Bookmarks Button: If checked, Krusader displays bookmarks button.

Show Panel Toolbar: If checked, Krusader displays the Panel Toolbar.

You can make the buttons on the Panel Toolbar visible or hidden:

Visible Panel Toolbar buttons

  • Equal button (=)

  • Up button (..)

  • Home button (~)

  • Root button (/)

  • Toggle-button for sync-browsing: If checked, shows the Sync-browsing button.

Selection Mode

Here you can configure the selection modes.


  • Krusader Mode: The way Krusader has worked from day one. Both mouse keys allow selecting files. To select more than one file, hold the Ctrl key and click the left mouse button. Right-click menu appears with a short click on the right mouse button.

  • Konqueror Mode: pressing the left mouse button selects files -- you can click and select multiple files. Right-click menu appears with a short click on the right mouse button.

  • Total commander Mode: Pressing the right mouse button selects multiple files and the right-click menu appears with pressing and holding the right mouse button. The left mouse button does not select, but sets the current file without affecting the current selection.

  • Ergonomic Mode: The left mouse button does not select, but sets the current file without affecting the current selection. The right mouse button invokes the context-menu. You can select with Ctrl key and the left button.

  • Custom Selection Mode: Create your own selection style!


  • Double-click selects (classic): A single click on a file will select and focus, a double click opens the file or steps into the folder.

  • Obey global selection policy: Pressing the left mouse button selects files -- Use global setting: Input DevicesMouse module in the PlasmaSystem Settings.

  • Custom Selection Mode items:

    • Based on Plasma™'s selection mode

    • left mouse button selects

    • left mouse button preserves selection

    • Shift/Ctrl + left clicking selects

    • right mouse button selects

    • right mouse button preserves selection

    • Shift/Ctrl + right clicking selects

    • Spacebar moves down

    • Insert moves down

    • Right-clicking pops context menu immediately

    • A plain mouse button resets selection - resets selection on a mouse click without modifiers (i.e. Shift or Ctrl). Selection with Shift/Ctrl for the mouse button has to be enabled for this setting to work.

Media Menu

Using this tab you can select the Media button menu contents:

  • Show Mount Path: show the mount path of partition if checked.

  • Show File System Type: show the file system type of partition if checked.

  • Hide SquashFS entries: Snap creates many SquashFS-mounted partitions, which are almost useless in the Media Menu, because snap manages them. It is possible to hide SquashFS mounts by checking this item.

  • Hide following mountpoints: this list allows to exclude unwanted items from Media Menu. Press the + button above the list to add some mount point you want to ignore. Should you decide to remove the added mount point from the list just click on it and press the - button.

  • Show Size: allows selection of the size representation in media menu. Can be Always (default, always show the size of partition), When Device has no Label (show the size for partitions with no label only) or Never (never show the size in media menu).


You can choose the layout and frame settings:

  • Layout: allows to define layout. The default options are Default, Compact, and Classic.

  • Frame Color: defines frame color. Can be Defined by Layout, None, or Statusbar.

  • Frame Shape: defines frame color. Can be Defined by Layout, None, Box, or Panel.

  • Frame Shadow: defines frame color. Can be Defined by Layout, None, Raised, or Sunken.