Table of Contents
- AstroInfo: Table of Contents
- Celestial Coordinate Systems
- The Celestial Equator
- The Celestial Poles
- The Celestial Sphere
- The Ecliptic
- The Equinoxes
- Geographic Coordinates
- Great Circles
- The Horizon
- Hour Angle
- The Local Meridian
- Precession
- The Zenith
- Epoch
- Julian Day
- Leap Years
- Sidereal Time
- Time Zones
- Universal Time
- Telescopes
- Blackbody Radiation
- Dark Matter
- Flux
- Luminosity
- Parallax
- Retrograde Motion
- Elliptical Galaxies
- Spiral Galaxies
- Magnitude Scale
- Stars: An Introductory FAQ
- Star Colors and Temperatures
- Cosmic Distance Ladder
Here you can find a collection of short articles that explain various astronomical concepts used in KStars. From coordinate systems to celestial mechanics, you can find answers to your questions here.
The articles sometimes also contain exercises that you can perform with KStars to illustrate the concept behind the article.
The Sky and Coordinate Systems