Mathematical Syntax

KmPlot uses a common way of expressing mathematical functions, so you should have no trouble working it out. The operators KmPlot understands are, in order of decreasing precedence:


The caret symbol performs exponentiation. e.g., 2^4 returns 16.

*, /

The asterisk and slash symbols perform multiplication and division . e.g., 3*4/2 returns 6.


The plus and minus symbols perform addition and subtraction. e.g., 1+3−2 returns 2.

<, >, ≤,

Comparison operators. They return 1 if the expression is true, otherwise they return 0. e.g., 1 ≤ 2 returns 1.

The square root of a number. e.g., √4 returns 2.


The absolute value of x. e.g., |−4| returns 4.


Each plus-minus sign gives two sets of plots: one in which the plus is taken, and one in which the minus is taken.e.g.. y = ±sqrt(1−x^2) will draw a circle. These, therefore, cannot be used in constants.

Note the precedence, which means that if parentheses are not used, exponentiation is performed before multiplication/division, which is performed before addition/subtraction. So 1+2*4^2 returns 33, and not, say 144. To override this, use parentheses. To use the above example, ((1+2)*4)^2 will return 144.