JSON Format

In order to make it easier to parse results from kid3-cli, it is possible to get the output in JSON format. When the request is in JSON format, the response will also be JSON. A compact format of the request will also give a compact representation of the response. If the request contains an "id" field, it is assumed to be a JSON-RPC request and the response will contain a "jsonrpc" field and the "id" of the request. The request format uses the same commands as the standard CLI, the "method" field contains the command and the parameters (if any) are given in the "params" list. The response contains a "result" object, which can also be null if the corresponding kid3-cli command does not return a result. In case of an error, an "error" object is returned with "code" and "message" fields as used in JSON-RPC.

kid3-cli> {"method":"set","params":["artist","An Artist"]}
kid3-cli> {"method":"get","params":["artist",2]}
{"result":"An Artist"}
kid3-cli> {"method": "get", "params": ["artist"]}
    "result": "An Artist"

kid3-cli> {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"123","method":"get","params":["artist"]}
{"id":"123","jsonrpc":"2.0","result":"An Artist"}