Compilation and Installation

You can compile Kid3 with or without KDE. Without KDE, Kid3 is a simple Qt™ application and lacks some configuration and session features.

For a KDE version, go into the top folder and type

% cmake .
% make
% make install

To compile for different versions of Qt™ or KDE, set the corresponding cmake options.

If not all libraries are present, Kid3 is built with reduced functionality. So you should take care to have all desired development packages installed. On the other side, cmake-options control which libraries are compiled in. The default is -DWITH_TAGLIB:BOOL=ON -DWITH_MP4V2:BOOL=OFF -DWITH_ID3LIB:BOOL=ON -DWITH_CHROMAPRINT:BOOL=ON -DWITH_VORBIS:BOOL=ON -DWITH_FLAC:BOOL=ON . These options can be disabled using OFF.

To build Kid3 as a Qt™ application without KDE, use the cmake option -DWITH_APPS=Qt. To build both a KDE and a Qt™ application, set -DWITH_APPS="Qt;KDE".

To use a specific Qt™ installation, set -DQT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE=/path/to/qmake.

Generation of RPM-Packages is supported by the file kid3.spec, for Debian® Packages, run deb.

The Qt™ application can also be compiled for Windows® and macOS®. The script can be used to download and build all required libraries and create a Kid3 package.