Using Intermediate Memory

Procedure 2.11. How do I store now and recall later some value?

  1. Do your computations.

  2. Press Min (Memory in) button to store the value in the Result area. Please notice that the other memory keys now become available.

  3. Do some other work with the calculator.

  4. Recall the value from the memory by pressing the MR (Memory Recall) button.

Internally, the values are recalled with no unit or in the reference currency (euro) with the maximum precision allowed by the mathematical library. In some rare cases, this might lead to rounding problems if the stored value is a rounded value in a non-reference currency.

Procedure 2.12. How do I clear the memory?

  • Press the Reset button. Please notice that the Reset clears everything: the input, the result and the memory.

Procedure 2.13. How do I compute 3.1 * 5.2 € + 2.7 * 8.9 €?

  1. First compute the first half: 3.1 * 5.2 €.

  2. Store the result in memory with Min button.

  3. Now compute the other half: 2.7 * 8.9 €.

  4. Add the result to the memory with M+ button.

  5. Recall the sum with MR button.

There are other solutions like 3.1 * 5.2 € Min 2.7 * 8.9 € + MR.

Procedure 2.14. How do I compute 3.1 * 5.2 € - 2.7 * 8.9 €?

  1. First compute the first half: 3.1 * 5.2 €.

  2. Store the result in memory with Min button.

  3. Now compute the other half: 2.7 * 8.9 €.

  4. Subtract the result from the memory with M- button.

  5. Recall the sum with MR button.

The sequence 3.1 * 5.2 € Min 2.7 * 8.9 € - MR computes the difference in the reverse order.