Pattern Libraries

The pattern library manager can be used to store patterns for insertion into the working pattern. They can be categorized into a hierarchy of categories and subcategories with multiple root nodes in the library list. The Alphabet tool makes use of these libraries to provide an alphabet of insertable characters that can be assigned an associated key.

The library manager is a non modal dialog and can be left open whilst working on your pattern. You can select different libraries as needed and then drag and drop library patterns onto the working pattern.

Adding new category headings can be done with a right mouse button on either an existing entry, to create a sub category, or on a blank space on the library list, to create a new root entry, and selecting the New Category option. Enter the name of the category and click OK.

Creating a new library pattern is done by selecting an area of your working pattern, copying and pasting to one of the existing categories.

Each library pattern has properties, accessed by its context menu. These properties include size, floss scheme, baseline value and associated key. The baseline value is used by the Alphabet tool to adjust the height of a character above, negative values, or below the insertion point. The associated key is again used by the Alphabet tool to match with the key pressed on the keyboard.