The Edit Menu

EditUndo (Ctrl+Z)

Undo the last command. The name of this item will change to reflect what will be undone.

EditRedo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)

Redo the last command. The name of this item will change to reflect what will be redone.

EditCut (Ctrl+X)

Cut the current selection and place it on the clipboard.

EditCopy (Ctrl+C)

Copy the current selection and place it on the clipboard.

EditPaste (Ctrl+V)

Paste the content of the clipboard to the current selection. If only one cell is selected KWordQuiz will activate smart pasting and calculate the space required for pasting and add rows if necessary.

EditClear (Del)

Clear the current selection.

EditInsert Row (Ctrl+I)

Insert a new row at the current selection. If the selection extends over more than one row, an equal number of rows will be inserted.

EditDelete Row (Ctrl+K)

Delete the selected row. If the selection extends over more than one row, all selected rows will be deleted.

EditMark as Blank (Ctrl+M)

Mark as Blank marks selected text (or the word where the caret is) as a blank for a 'Fill-in-the-blank' quiz, i.e., it's enclosed in brackets. Only available if Fill-in-the-blank is enabled.

EditUnmark Blanks

Unmark Blanks clears previously assigned blanks, i.e., brackets are removed. Only available if Fill-in-the-blank is enabled.