When you select Summaries in the Kontact settings dialog, a page is displayed that allows you to select which summary plugins Kontact should show in its summary view. Here is a brief list of the currently available plugins and what they do:

Summary Selection
The “Calendar” plugin for Kontact's Summary View adds an area in the view labeled Upcoming Events. This will display any events that currently apply.

Kontact Calendar Summary Plugin
The “Mail” plugin for Kontact's Summary View adds an area in the view labeled New Messages. This area is updated every time you receive new messages to inform you how many of these messages there are and which folder they are in.

Kontact Mail Summary Plugin
The “Notes” plugin for Kontact's Summary View adds an area in the view labeled Popup Notes. This area displays all current notes' titles (titles default to the date/time the note was created). Clicking on the title of a note will bring up the Notes area.

Kontact Notes Summary Plugin
The “To-do List” plugin for Kontact's Summary View adds an area in the view labeled Pending To-dos. This area contains all current to-dos, including ones that have been completed. It displays the title of the to-do, the percentage of completion, and the current status of the to-do. Note that you can purge all completed to-dos via the Kontact To-do List. Clicking on a to-do's title will currently do nothing.

Kontact To-do List Summary Plugin
The “Special Dates” plugin for Kontact's Summary View adds an area in the view labeled Upcoming Special Dates. This area contains information based on the criteria selected in the configuration area of the plugin in Kontact's Summary View configuration. The “Special Dates” plugin is especially useful because it can display birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and special occasions from both the calendar and the contact list in one place.

Kontact Special Dates Plugin