The Move Menu

MoveUndo (Ctrl+Z)

Undo your last move.

MoveRedo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)

Redo the move that was just undone by Undo.

MoveHint (H)

Provide some hints as to possible moves, should the player become stuck. Cards that can be legally moved to another pile are temporarily highlighted.

MoveDemo (D)

Start the demo mode. While in demo mode, KPatience attempts to solve the deal for you. Activate this action a second time to exit demo mode.

MoveDraw (Space)

Flip one of more cards from the talon and move them to the waste pile. This action is available in only certain games.

MoveDeal Row (Enter)

Flip several cards from the talon and place one on each playing pile. This action is available in only certain games.

MoveRedeal (R)

Collect all the card left in play and redeal them without shuffling. This action is available in only certain games.