This group contains pages to configure the main Kate application
This section contains a few global options for Kate
- Behavior
- Switch to output view upon message type
This option allows configuring when Kate should show an output pane depending on the type of action output.
It is possible to choose between , (on error), (on warning or above), (on info or above), and (on log or above).
- Use a separate dialog for handling externally modified files
When enabled, Kate will notify you with a modal dialog about all files modified from outside the application whenever the main window receives input focus. You will be able to deal with several modified files at once, you can reload, save or discard changed files in groups.
If not enabled, Kate will individually ask you what to do for each modified file only when that file's view receives focus.
- Quick Open
- Match Mode
Set the list mode for the Quick Open tool. The files can be matched by their name or by their path.
- List Mode
Set the list mode for the Quick Open tool. It is possible to choose from Current Project Files and All Projects Files.
- Tabs
- Limit number of tabs
Set the maximum number of tabs. Choose if you do not want to restrict this number.
- Auto hide tabs
When checked tabs will be hidden if only one document is open.
- Show close button
When checked each tab will display a close button.
- Expand tabs
When checked tabs take as much size as possible.
- Double click opens a new document
When checked double click opens a new document.
- Middle click closes a document
When checked middle click closes a document.
- Allow tab scrolling
When checked this will allow scrolling in tab bar when number of tabs is large.
- Elide tab text
When checked tab text might be elided if its too long.
- Tabs
This section contains options related to using sessions.
- Application Startup Behavior
Select how you want Kate to behave at startup. This setting can be overridden by specifying what to do on the command line.
- Start new session
With this option, Kate will start a new, unnamed session when you start the application.
- Load last-used session
Kate will use the most recently opened session at startup. This is good if you want to use the same session always or switch rarely.
- Manually choose a session
Kate will display a small dialog that lets you choose your preferred session, or load the default session if none have been saved. This is the default behavior. Nice if you use a lot of different sessions frequently.
- Application Startup/Shutdown Behavior
Select how you want Kate to behave at shutdown. It is possible to define what Kate should Automatically save and restore.
- Newly-created unsaved files
With this item checked, Kate will automatically save all newly-created unsaved files.
- Files with unsaved changes
This item allows configuring Kate for automatically saving all files with unsaved changes on shutdown.
- Close Kate entirely when the last file is closed
If enabled, Kate will shutdown when the last file being edited is closed, otherwise a blank page will open so that you can start a new file.
- Session Elements
- Include window configuration
If enabled, Kate will save the window configuration with each session.
- Keep meta-information past sessions
When enabled, Kate will store meta data such as bookmarks and session configuration even when you close your documents. The data will be used if the document is unchanged when reopened.
- Delete unused meta-information after
Set the maximum number of days to keep meta information for previously opened files. This helps keep the database of meta information reasonably sized.
Any changes to the session data (opened files and, if enabled, window configuration) will always be saved.
This page provides a list of installed plugins for the Kate application. Each plugin is represented with its name and a short description. You can check the checkbox with an item to enable the plugin it represents.
If a plugin provides configuration options, a section to access those will appear as a child of this page.
For more information about the available plugins, see Chapter 4, Working with Plugins.
For information about this section of the configuration dialog, see the Editor Component Configuration section of the KatePart Handbook.
For information about using document variables with Kate, see the Configuring with Document Variables section of the KatePart Handbook.