The Quiz Menu

QuizCheck (Return)

Check if your answer is correct

QuizI Know (K)

Count as correct during a flashcard session.

QuizI Do Not Know (D)

Count as error during a flashcard session. You can later repeat these cards by selecting QuizRepeat Errors.

QuizHint (Ctrl+H)

Get the next correct letter during a Question & Answer session.

QuizPlay Audio (Ctrl+B)

Play sound that was linked to the entry with VocabularyLink Sound.

QuizRestart (Ctrl+R)

Restart the quiz session from the beginning. This will reset the scores.

QuizRepeat Errors (Ctrl+E)

Repeat any questions you answered incorrectly. This becomes available once you have answered all the questions once.

QuizExport Errors As...

Export any questions you answered incorrectly as a new vocabulary document. This becomes available once you have answered all the questions once.