Search Criteria

There are several sub-tabs under the main Criteria tab, each of which allows you to specify different types of search criteria. Below the area for specifying the criteria, KMyMoney lists each of the different types of criteria that are currently specified for the search.


Search transactions Dialog, Text tab

This tab allows you to specify text to search for. There are also two check boxes that control how the text is used in the search.

By default, this will match on simple substrings. For example:

  • Best will find Best Cakes, Inc.

  • est will also find Best Cakes, Inc.

In the dropdown field next to the text field, select Contains if you want to find transactions that contain the text, or select Does not contain if you want to find transactions that do not contain the specified text.

If you check the Case Sensitive box, the search will be case sensitive. For example, best would not find Best Cakes, Inc. if this option is set.

If you check the Treat Text as regular expression box, the text will be treated as a regular expression. For details on how to craft a regular expression, visit the Qt™ documentation about the QRegularExpression class.


Search transactions Dialog, Account tab

This tab allows you to specify the accounts that should be searched.

Accounts are displayed in a tree format. Accounts that are marked for search are indicated with a check box. If you click the All button, all accounts are marked for searching. If you click the None button, no accounts will be marked for searching. Individual accounts can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box next to the account name using the left mouse button. A complete hierarchy of accounts can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box using the right mouse button.


Search transactions Dialog, Date tab

This tab allows you to specify which dates should be searched.

The Range control provides a convenient way to set the From and To controls. The From and To controls can be manipulated individually. Dates can be entered manually. The controls will prevent you from entering non-existing dates. Date values can also be changed by clicking on the up and down arrows when a particular part of a date is highlighted. Clicking on the small calendar icon will bring up a calendar to easily select dates.


Search transactions Dialog, Amount tab

This tab allows you to specify what amounts should be searched for.

You can search for an exact amount or for a range of amounts. If you click on the calculator icon, a small on-screen calculator will pop up to assist you in entering a value.


Search transactions Dialog, Category tab

This tab allows you to specify which categories should be searched.

Categories are displayed in a tree format. Categories that are marked for search are indicated with a box. If you click the All button, all categories are marked for searching. If you click the None button, no categories will be marked for searching. If you click the Income button, income categories will be marked and expense categories will be unmarked. If you click the Expense button, income categories will be unmarked and expense categories will be marked.

Individual categories can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box next to the category name using the left mouse button. A complete hierarchy of categories can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box using the right mouse button.


Search transactions Dialog, Payee tab

This tab allows you to specify which payees should be searched.

Payees that are marked for search are indicated with a box. If you click the All button, all payees are marked for searching. If you click the None button, no payees will be marked for searching. Individual payees can be marked or unmarked by clicking on the box next to the payee name.

If you check the Select transactions without payees box, only transactions with no payee will be selected.


This tab allows you to specify various additional search criteria.

Search transactions Dialog, Details tab

Type can be one of the following:

  • All Types

  • Payments

  • Deposits

  • Transfers

State can be one of the following:

  • All states

  • Not reconciled

  • Cleared

  • Reconciled

Validity can be one of the following:

  • Any transaction

  • Valid transaction

  • Invalid transaction

You can search for a particular transaction number or search for a range of transaction numbers.