
With profiles you can save and restore your favorite settings. Several features support profiles, you can have e.g. different panel profiles (work, home, remote connections, etc.), search profiles, synchroniser profiles, etc.

Panel Profiles

A panel profile contains the following: all the tab paths (left or right), the current tab (left or right) and the active panel (left or right). All this information is stored in the krusaderrc file. You can have several panel profiles, e.g. file management, FTP management, home, work, etc. The panel profile can be saved and restored in the Window menu. The default startup profile will be used when starting Krusader, but you can override it with a command-line option.

Color Profiles

Colormaps can be saved and restored with Color Profiles.

Key-binding Profiles

Keymaps can be saved and restored with Key-binding Profiles.

Search Profiles

If you regularly perform the same search operation, you can save the search settings (e.g. include files, exclude files, etc.) in a Search Profile.

Synchronizer Profiles

If you regularly perform the same synchronize operation, you can save the synchronize settings in a Synchronizer Profile.